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  1. Klabauter

    UDK Map Maker & CentrED+ | Brushes issue

    Hey everyone, I have a weird issue ever since I took up the fight against the UDK map maker again. I patched a lot of custom land tiles into my art.mul using UOfiddler replacing some of the tiles I wont need (e.g. snow, acid, etc). After that I spent quite some time typing everything into the...
  2. Klabauter

    Tales of Rum and Plunder | Designer(s) and Worldbuilder(s) wanted!

    NOTE: I have been struggeling to post something like this for a while now, so I thought it might be worth the try... Greetings, fellow swashbucklers and bilge rats, this be somethin' to look out for! It is now almost a year ago that the idea to take the engine of Ultima Online and transfer it...
  3. Klabauter

    Pirate/Age of Sail-themed Shard

    Ahoy mates! In reference to an existing thread on the RunUO forums and the discussion about the post-apocalyptic shard idea here I would like to hear about what you would consider must-have features for a pirate-/caribbean-themed shard. Hereare the results of the discussion and my own concept...
  4. Klabauter

    Mass replacement of static tiles

    Hello everyone, I hope this fits into this sub-forum. if not, feel free to move this thread. While working on my map, there was a certain question that came to my mind: Is there any possibility to replace all items of a certain ID with items of another ID EXCEPT replacing the art in the *.mul...
  5. Klabauter


    Hey everyone, just popping in to say hello! regards, Klabauter