Search results

  1. Automated Staff Error...

    Errors: + Custom Systems/Automated Staff System - Sythen/RobeOfEntitlement/RobeOfEntitl ement.cs: CS0115: Line 122: 'Server.Items.Staff.RobeOfEntitlement.OnRemoved(Server.IEn tity)': no suitable method found to override Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were...
  2. Base Creature Arty drop

    Ok, i have had this bit of code from an old svn i am trying to make it work in my new pub 54 test server . Basically it is a snippet of code to allow for random artifact drop chance but i keep getting this error now. any help would be great thanks :) Errors: + Mobiles/BaseCreature.cs...
  3. ACC Public Gates

    Im installing Acc Public Gates and i keep getting this error. I have no idea how to fix it any ideas would be great thanks. ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 5224.27031 Publish 54 Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software) OpenUO Error: Client...
  4. ServUo Master Download.

    Hey guys i am trying to get a bare server up and going. I dl the master files for ServUo and i get this error when i try to load up server any help apreciated :) C:\Users\Tim & Sam\Desktop\ServUO-master>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0 .30319\csc.exe /win32icon:"C:\Users\Tim...
  5. Hey Im New

    Hey Guys, Im new here havnt been around for ages. Love ultima online alot and have made a few servers before i like to release my work and hope you enjoy my company thanks :)