jase giffin submitted a new resource:

ACC... public gates and spell system. - Moongate and spell system

ok so many of you know acc systems. great stuff. editable public gates. and a full addon to the spell system.

here we go.
the gate system.
is simple
Usage [add publicgate
it has a gump. walk into the gate and it will show this gump first use no entries will be present.
first add your facet then choose add this gate. name it and done.
close it and go to your next spot. continue till the end of your location list. good to go.

the spell system.
this has all the spell types
9 in fact....

Read more about this resource...
your very welcome. and, serv needs old scripts. shoot id be highly interested as i love to port and mess with the old stuff.
this is what i do know i added this flawlessly to publish 54. it was as simple as drag and drop. 9 error about Unused_x F and systemdatetime F this regards something as if you added the time system to your shard. ie the age system or time and date system also posted in this forum..... acc was orginally set for a much older system.... but as pub 54 stands un added to should work without a hitch. ill work on this with those types of adds and see but idk. as a stand alone should work perfect for just a new pub54. i use it. so im sure itll work. if it doesnt im very sorry,
Yes you should post about any recent scripts which you have added along with the errors which show on the runuo console screen. Let us know if you don't know how to copy and paste the errors from the screen to here :)
I am using a fresh install of Publish 54 and dropped the ACC folder into my "Customs Systems" and I am getting this error at the script compile stage: "CS0029: Line 92: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'"

This is happening in the AvatarSpell.cs, ClericSpell.cs SkitteringHopperFamiliar.cs and PackRat.cs. Any ideas what this is? Thanks guys. (By the how do I copy and paste console errors)
ServUO - [http://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 5146.16189
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
OpenUO Error: Client files not found.
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 4 errors, 0 warnings
+ Custom Systems/ACC Systems/Complete Spell System/-=+ 03 Systems/Avatar/Avatar
CS0029: Line 92: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'
+ Custom Systems/ACC Systems/Complete Spell System/-=+ 03 Systems/Cleric/Cleric
CS0029: Line 94: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'
+ Custom Systems/ACC Systems/Complete Spell System/-=+ 03 Systems/Druid/Familia
CS0029: Line 92: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'
+ Custom Systems/ACC Systems/Complete Spell System/-=+ 03 Systems/Ranger/Famila
CS0029: Line 95: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Thanks guys. I didn't know a command prompt had this functionality.
Lets wait and see what the Dev's have to say I think date time was changed to another code :)
In some cases you use DateTime.UtcNow and other cases use Core.TickCount. I will look download the scripts and take a look.
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oh dang you work faster then i lol ok ill make this change good on ya. funny i thought i had this in my own shard but..... anyway so if yall want this part here it is thanks to the fine efforts of Ravenwolfe. man i owe ya an Ale.
oh dang you work faster then i lol ok ill make this change good on ya. funny i thought i had this in my own shard but..... anyway so if yall want this part here it is thanks to the fine efforts of Ravenwolfe. man i owe ya an Ale.

Just to warn you, I'm a total beer snob so not just any Ale will do!
Thanks for updating those files Ravenwolfe, I like ACC system and the gates/spells system. You saved me a bunch of time!

Just to warn you, I'm a total beer snob so not just any Ale will do!
I approve this message.

The Drunk
How do ya feel about a luke warm murphys extra stout thats what im havin. Cant say how imbuing will work after this but heres to code drinkin also i second hanks approval and seal it for quality people in mind.. Heres to ya
Found a bug, which may already be known.
The Cleric spells use all the players tithed gold points (piety), not only the amount the spells require.
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I am running RunUO 2.5 and I get this error when I added the Complete Spell Systems folder...

+ Customs/My Custom/Architect/OrbRemoteServer/OrbServer.cs:
    CS0618: Line 200: 'System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices.Register
Channel(System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel)' is obsolete: 'Use System.Run
time.Remoting.ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(IChannel chnl, bool ensureSecurity
) instead.'
+ Customs/My Custom/Console Command/CC2.0.cs:
    CS0168: Line 45: The variable 'e' is declared but never used
+ Customs/My Custom/World Omniporter_2.2/WorldOmniporter_2.2.CS:
    CS0168: Line 879: The variable 'e' is declared but never used
+ Misc/Assistants.cs:
    CS0162: Line 99: Unreachable code detected
    CS0162: Line 155: Unreachable code detected
+ Customs/My Custom/ACC Systems/Complete Spell System/-=+ 03 Systems/Avatar/Ava
    CS0029: Line 92: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'
+ Customs/My Custom/ACC Systems/Complete Spell System/-=+ 03 Systems/Cleric/Cle
    CS0029: Line 94: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'
+ Customs/My Custom/ACC Systems/Complete Spell System/-=+ 03 Systems/Druid/Fami
    CS0029: Line 92: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'
+ Customs/My Custom/ACC Systems/Complete Spell System/-=+ 03 Systems/Ranger/Fam
    CS0029: Line 95: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

If I remove the Complete Spell Systems folder and leave the other two I get no errors. Are there scripts I need to modify to make this work? I found no READ ME in the pack so I assumed it was plug and play.

the scripts in play are for servuos specific time system. there is a thread on runuo containing the same systems. i would search acc on runuo archives and the comp[lete spell system on run uo for the spells. or...... you can try this older set of the same system i used in the original grove. maybe those work?


  • ACC Systems.zip
    306.8 KB · Views: 26
The ranger spells that create the fire,ice,energy and poison bows don't work properly. When you cast the spell, you can create the bow just fine. However, you can't fire it. I verified arrows are in the pack. The didn't try putting a quiver, but the bows won't fire but everything else works fine. Any ideas?
hmm the spells i would have to look into most of them ppl dont use them on op account. ill look into them tomorrow and see if i can help you with that.
Unsure if this is relevant to just staff accounts or all but when casting "intimidation" once it stops taking skill away to add to the swords and mace fighting skill, it keeps adding to the mace fighting and swordsmanship skills without taking anything for it. Also, After 30 minutes now my character has not reverted back to normal skills.

Added Edit: Upon Further Study, when I reboot the server, the skills go back down. If the spell is only casted once, it goes down normal. I guess maybe it just is not blocking itself from recasting and being used again?
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The ranger spells that create the fire,ice,energy and poison bows don't work properly. When you cast the spell, you can create the bow just fine. However, you can't fire it. I verified arrows are in the pack. The didn't try putting a quiver, but the bows won't fire but everything else works fine. Any ideas?

Yeah basically they have a lot of code in there that does not need to be in there.

What I did was changed this section of the script (in the FireBowSpell.cs) :
        [FlipableAttribute(0x13B2, 0x13B1)]
        public class RangerFireBow : BaseRanged
            private Mobile m_Owner;
            private DateTime m_Expire;
            private Timer m_Timer;

            public override int EffectID { get { return 0xF42; } }
            public override Type AmmoType { get { return typeof(Arrow); } }
            public override Item Ammo { get { return new Arrow(); } }

            public override WeaponAbility PrimaryAbility { get { return WeaponAbility.ParalyzingBlow; } }
            public override WeaponAbility SecondaryAbility { get { return WeaponAbility.MortalStrike; } }

            public override int AosStrengthReq { get { return 30; } }
            public override int AosMinDamage { get { return 16; } }
            public override int AosMaxDamage { get { return 18; } }
            public override int AosSpeed { get { return 25; } }

            public override int OldStrengthReq { get { return 20; } }
            public override int OldMinDamage { get { return 9; } }
            public override int OldMaxDamage { get { return 41; } }
            public override int OldSpeed { get { return 20; } }

            public override int DefMaxRange { get { return 10; } }

            public override int InitMinHits { get { return 31; } }
            public override int InitMaxHits { get { return 60; } }

            public override WeaponAnimation DefAnimation { get { return WeaponAnimation.ShootBow; } }

            public RangerFireBow(Mobile owner)
                : base(0x13B2)
                WeaponAttributes.HitFireArea = 50;
                WeaponAttributes.HitFireball = 50;
                m_Owner = owner;
                Weight = 6.0;
                Layer = Layer.TwoHanded;
                Hue = 1161;
                BlessedFor = owner;
                Name = "Bow of Fire";

                double time = (owner.Skills[SkillName.Archery].Value / 20.0) * RangerHuntersAimSpell.GetScalar(owner);
                m_Expire = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes((int)time);
                m_Timer = new InternalTimer(this, m_Expire);


To this:
        public class RangerFireBow : Bow
            private Mobile m_Owner;
            private DateTime m_Expire;
            private Timer m_Timer;

            public RangerFireBow(Mobile owner)
                WeaponAttributes.HitFireArea = 50;
                WeaponAttributes.HitFireball = 50;
                m_Owner = owner;
                Hue = 1161;
                BlessedFor = owner;
                Name = "Bow of Fire";

                double time = (owner.Skills[SkillName.Archery].Value / 20.0) * RangerHuntersAimSpell.GetScalar(owner);
                m_Expire = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes((int)time);
                m_Timer = new InternalTimer(this, m_Expire);


Apply the same changes to the other scripts using this as your guide of what to remove and what to change.

But after using this I see if you restart the server while they are summoned, they do not decay...Will have to look into that one.
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The other question I have would be....Is the spell Intimidation meant to not work with Sly Fox, or is that the reason it lets it recast because it is only blocking while in the Sly Fox form? As of right now I have it set to not work while in the fox form on my side but noticed that Sly Fox works while using Intimidation first. Wasn't sure which way was meant to go so I didn't post an updated code with it working. ( I turned intimidation off while in fox form, and fox form off while in intimidation mode)
I use AngelicFaith to transform into Angel but cant transform back not sure where the problem is in the script
I tried Tick count & utcNow but maybe I did that wrong this is what it looks like when I use spell

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Seventh;

namespace Server.ACC.CSS.Systems.Cleric
    public class ClericAngelicFaithSpell : ClericSpell
        private static SpellInfo m_Info = new SpellInfo(
                                                        "Angelic Faith", "Angelus Terum",

        public override SpellCircle Circle
            get { return SpellCircle.Eighth; }

        public override int RequiredTithing{ get{ return 100; } }
        public override double RequiredSkill{ get{ return 80.0; } }

        private static Hashtable m_Table = new Hashtable();

        public ClericAngelicFaithSpell( Mobile caster, Item scroll ) : base( caster, scroll, m_Info )

        public static bool HasEffect( Mobile m )
            return ( m_Table[m] != null );

        public static void RemoveEffect( Mobile m )
            object[] mods = (object[])m_Table[m];

            if ( mods != null )
                m.RemoveStatMod( ((StatMod)mods[0]).Name );
                m.RemoveStatMod( ((StatMod)mods[1]).Name );
                m.RemoveStatMod( ((StatMod)mods[2]).Name );
                m.RemoveSkillMod( (SkillMod)mods[3] );
                m.RemoveSkillMod( (SkillMod)mods[4] );
                m.RemoveSkillMod( (SkillMod)mods[5] );

            m_Table.Remove( m );

            m.EndAction( typeof( ClericAngelicFaithSpell ) );

            m.BodyMod = 0;

        public override bool CheckCast()
            if (!TransformationSpellHelper.CheckCast(Caster, this))
                return false;

            return base.CheckCast();

        public override void OnCast()
            TransformationSpellHelper.OnCast(Caster, this);

            if ( CheckSequence() )

                object[] mods = new object[]
                    new StatMod( StatType.Str, "[Cleric] Str Offset", 10, TimeSpan.Zero ),
                    new StatMod( StatType.Dex, "[Cleric] Dex Offset", 10, TimeSpan.Zero ),
                    new StatMod( StatType.Int, "[Cleric] Int Offset", 10, TimeSpan.Zero ),
                    new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Macing, true, 10 ),
                    new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Healing, true, 10 ),
                    new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Anatomy, true, 10 )

                m_Table[Caster] = mods;

                Caster.AddStatMod( (StatMod)mods[0] );
                Caster.AddStatMod( (StatMod)mods[1] );
                Caster.AddStatMod( (StatMod)mods[2] );
                Caster.AddSkillMod( (SkillMod)mods[3] );
                Caster.AddSkillMod( (SkillMod)mods[4] );
                Caster.AddSkillMod( (SkillMod)mods[5] );

                double span = 20.0 * ClericDivineFocusSpell.GetScalar( Caster );
                new InternalTimer( Caster, TimeSpan.FromMinutes( (int)span ) ).Start();

                IMount mount = Caster.Mount;

                if ( mount != null )
                    mount.Rider = null;

                Caster.BodyMod = 123;
                Caster.BeginAction( typeof( ClericAngelicFaithSpell ) );
                Caster.PlaySound( 0x165 );
                Caster.FixedParticles( 0x3728, 1, 13, 0x480, 92, 3, EffectLayer.Head );


        private class InternalTimer : Timer
            private Mobile m_Owner;
            private DateTime m_Expire;

            public InternalTimer( Mobile owner, TimeSpan duration ) : base( TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.1 ) )
                m_Owner = owner;
                m_Expire = DateTime.Now + duration;

            protected override void OnTick()
                if ( DateTime.Now >= m_Expire )
                    ClericAngelicFaithSpell.RemoveEffect( m_Owner );

is this a bug or am not doing the right thing to transform back into Elf I assumed I just recast angelicform
:Dha Had these spells in test shards for a year now & havent gotten to messing with em
I just went threw 20 pages of post last night looking for a solutions to tighten these spells up & never found solution to this one
hopefully this ones in there its kinda weird cuz I compared AngelicFaith with slyfox cuz it works but nothing jumps out at me but your post rocks cuz I found examples for lokai's chant mantra edits instead of commands TY for that
exist any way for put the scrolls like a loot? or to buy it? I try it but always get this type of error:
+ Mobiles/Vendors/SBInfo/SBScribe.cs:
    CS0246: Line 45: The type or namespace name `AvatarSpellbook' could not be found. Are you missing `Server.ACC.CSS.Systems.Avatar' using directive?
    CS0246: Line 46: The type or namespace name `AvatarBag' could not be found. Are you missing `Server.ACC.CSS.Systems.Avatar' using directive?
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

and i try too in loot.cs and lootpack.cs without achivements:


  • Loot.cs
    39.1 KB · Views: 3
  • LootPack.cs
    41.2 KB · Views: 1
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Before I decide to re create the wheel so to speak, has anyone successfully added custom facet/maps to this? Im about to go knee deep into the gump and code to add more room for my maps. To clarify, I want to add more then just the 6, i have a total of 10 that will need to be there. (this should be interesting)
I was wondering if there is any info on this system? like how to edit the gates. There is add and edit, but no delete. I can not find any thing in the scripts to change it. Also, is thereany commands in game for any of this system?

PS. I love the gates. So easy.......