I found the attached fishing net script somewhere... I really should try to keep up where I find stuff. It is a basic script and does work. You double click the net and it basically acts like a fishing pole. As written it does not even check to see if it is in your backpack. It works fine - for what it is. (It is someone's addon script, not the 'special fishing net'.)

I have an idea, that may or may not be worth doing. A fishing pole has one string, one hook, and catches one fish at a time, right. A net, on the other hand, generally catches more than one fish. So... can we make the net override the harvest system and catch more than one item per use?

I have tried incorporating portions of the fishing.cs, where it defines how many fish are used per harvest, but cannot figure out how to get the net to recognize, and implement anything different.

I tried playing with the double click action, and got it to ask 3 times where to fish - but it still only fished once per use. It looks like maybe in fishing.cs line 67 "fish.ConsumedPerHarvest = 1;" maybe I can use that somehow?

Not sure what direction to come from... or if it is even worth it. I just had an idea and spent a couple hours messing with it for fun. I don't want to change the whole harvest system - just trying to make the net override it and give a random number of catches per use. Otherwise this is just a different graphic for the fishing pole :)

Any ideas on how/if this can be done?


  • FishingNet.cs
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I added this inside this statement:
public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list);
BaseHarvestTool.AddContextMenuEntries(from, this, list, Fishing.System);

It saved and loaded the server with no errors - but did not do anything about the number of fish :)
(I borrowed and edited a section of fishing.cs)

  HarvestResource[] res;
  HarvestDefinition fish = new HarvestDefinition();
  fish.ConsumedPerHarvest = Utility.RandomMinMax(2,4);
  res = new HarvestResource[]
  new HarvestResource(00.0, 00.0, 100.0, 1043297, typeof(Fish))

  fish.Resources = res;
You may be able to add it to the net rather than changing fishing.
Lobster traps you can throw in and get more than one lobster. I have an idea of what might help you but I am not at home. Let me check and Ill post it as soon as I can :]
I will look at the lobster trap and see how they do it - I was unaware of that.

I was not changing fishing, just trying to borrow some of the lines and adding it to the net. The lobster trap sounds like a good place to look. :)

~Edit~ found and downloaded lobstertrap.cs. Will take a look at it. (I do not use High Seas)
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I downloaded the High Seas package. It loaded fine...how does one obtain a lobster trap? It says it is 'not marked contructable'. And it is almost 1 AM... I will try some more tomorrow. Thanks for the reply :)

Hmmm...In the High Seas pack I found (https://www.servuo.com/threads/high-seas-fishing-pack.1804) there is a lobstertrap.cs, but no lobsters. and no crab fisher npc... definitely looking into it tomorrow....

~Edit~ Ok, it is morning :) I found this lobster trap (https://www.servuo.com/threads/lobstertrap.2942/) and it is just what I was looking for. It has different cases to empty the 'full trap'. I added multiple entries to the 'AddToBackpack' and it works great! It does not seem to catch lobsters, though ha ha... Now I may change it look like a net... or leave it. Thanks for the lobster trap tip!
(the only problem I see with it is that it does not use the harvest system - so a spot never runs out of fish - I am ok with that)
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I apologize for not getting back to you.(had some doctor appointments messing up my days!)
You do not need to have High Seas, but if you just want to be able to catch lobsters, crab and shrimp I can post my little group on that with DefSeafood? I was going to make the cooked seafood have some added bonuses(maybe) but right now they just have a fill factor. :p