
zerodowned submitted a new resource:

Animation Locator + Freeze Frame - In game tool to test Animations and Animation Frames

Credits in script
Original script by Father Time / vermillion2083
Link to original:

I edited this script to easily test individual frames of animations.
Also made a few changes to make it a little more user friendly.

- Gump doesn't resend with every loop of animation in cycle setting
- Added stop...

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had a question though

Convert.ToInt32( AnimationEntry.Text, 10 )

i had assumed the 10 was limiting the number of digits that can be entered but if I change it to 2 it doesn't work unless the entry is 0, 1, or 11

tried searching a little and only found how to restrict entry to numbers but not the number of digits
never mind took another look at the core files

public void AddTextEntry(
            int x,
            int y,
            int width,
            int height,
            int hue,
            int entryID,
            string initialText,
            int size,
            GumpResponse callback,
            string name = "")

size is what i was looking for