In another thread, the discussion of how to bounce out Ships at the Sea Market could be done. It got me thinking that this would be a perfect thing to make, not only for that area, but for any Dock area.

So the proposal is this, a Boat Dock Controller. This would be similar to Regions in a Box. Main thoughts are;
Place the Dock Controller (maybe typical grave stone as usual) at a Boat Dock.
Double click the stone for the properties gump.
Set the Rect area for the main Dock area, giving enough room around the docks for where boats will park.
Set the Time frame for allowed parking.
Set the Rect area for the Re Location zone to kick ships to when time is up.

Maybe a notification mesage to the Owner that his Boat is getting tossed out. (maybe a warning before, and then again when kicked out of docks)

I imagine there could be much more to add to this. Maybe a pay meter that a person could pay X gold to stay parked for 1 hour, rather than the 10 minute Free parking?
Maybe a charge for the service of re locating the owners ship?

Anyways, I will mess with this later on, but would be weeks before I would. But thought it might be a cool enough deal that someone else might want to take a stab at it :)

And if nothing else, lets build off of this in the mean time for ideas!
Nice idea....maybe could make it like the system that stables pets. Charge a weekly fee, and if a player doesn't maintain payments their ship will be confiscated(deleted) from the dock.
They should be limited to 2 weeks. If they do not move in that time the boat will be kicked out. That way other players do have a chance to get in and out of the docks without using spells or a row boat. But if you get near the docks ( a certain tile radius) then you have to pay a docking fee. If you do not want to pay you have to park outside the area and row boat in to the shore.
And if someone is docked and they run out of gold then their ship would be kicked outside the area and flagged. Then other ships could attack it and hope for some loot. Like a house falling :)
Firstly, within 1 real hour it should be auto-docked. This way players get use to docking their ships. Anyone who has owned a boat in real life knows b.o.a.t. stands for Break-Out-Another-Thousand!
Yes it should work like the pet stable system, and the controller could use the graphic for a crate or barrel to blend in with the normal dock statics. How it should work is this:
Cost money per day and if you run out of money you cant get the boat back or dock another boat. So like the housing system if you were to purchase another ship whilist one is in hock the new ship cannot be refreshed until you pay your debt or docking fees (or you may only refresh one ship anyway like houses). So like mentioned above docking your ship actually protects it since a ship is attackable and keeps it auto-refreshed to promote players to not leave them around for a fee. If you cant dock the ship it will get kicked out of port and be vulnerable. I don't think the original ship should be destroyed, I think an on going penalty and maybe link it to fishmongers who know of your reputation and don't give you certain quests or have it steadily drop your karma. Otherwise players will side-step the issue.
I don't want to see my shard cluttered with ships its not fair to the more avid and thoughtful players.
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