Found this on RunUO, thinking of using it, but need it working to see if its worth it. getting the following error:
+ Customs/BookOfTravel.cs:
CS0266: Line 327: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Server.ClientFlags' to 'int'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
//This script is the string version of publicmoongate.cs script found on the RunUO forums. 
//I simply, renamed it, changed it to moveable and changed the pic to that of a hued bodbook.
//Many of the locations were copied from Traveling Books script by Broze The Newb       
//Modified by Ashlar, beloved of Morrigan

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Commands;

namespace Server.Items
   public class BookOfTravel : Item
      public BookOfTravel() : base( 0x22C5 ) //old id is 0x2259
         Movable = true;
         Light = LightType.Circle300;
         //Hue = 322;
         Weight = 3; 
         Name = "World Travel Atlas";
         LootType = LootType.Blessed;

      public BookOfTravel( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

      public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
         if ( !from.Player )

         if ( from.InRange( GetWorldLocation(), 1 ) )
            UseGate( from );
            from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away.

      public override bool OnMoveOver( Mobile m )
         return !m.Player || UseGate( m );

      public bool UseGate( Mobile m )
         if ( m.Criminal )
            m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005561, "", 0x22 ); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
            return false;
         else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( m ) )
            m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005564, "", 0x22 ); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
            return false;
         else if ( m.Spell != null )
            m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049616 ); // You are too busy to do that at the moment.
            return false;
            m.CloseGump( typeof( BookOfTravelGump ) );
            m.SendGump( new BookOfTravelGump( m ) );

            Effects.PlaySound( m.Location, m.Map, 0x20E );
            return true;

      public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
         base.Serialize( writer );

         writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

      public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
         base.Deserialize( reader );

         int version = reader.ReadInt();

   public class PMEntry
      private Point3D m_Location;
      private string m_Text;

      public Point3D Location
            return m_Location;

      public string Text
            return m_Text;

      public PMEntry( Point3D loc, string text )
         m_Location = loc;
         m_Text = text;

   public class PMList
      private string m_Text, m_SelText;
      private Map m_Map;
      private PMEntry[] m_Entries;

      public string Text
            return m_Text;

      public string SelText
            return m_SelText;

      public Map Map
            return m_Map;

      public PMEntry[] Entries
            return m_Entries;

      public PMList( string text, string selText, Map map, PMEntry[] entries )
         m_Text = text;
         m_SelText = selText;
         m_Map = map;
         m_Entries = entries;

      public static readonly PMList Felucca =
         new PMList( "Felucca", "Felucca", Map.Felucca, new PMEntry[]
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4464,1166,0 ), "Fel Moonglow" ), // Moonglow
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1430,1703,9 ), "Fel Britain" ), // Britain
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1417,3821,0 ), "Fel Jhelom" ), // Jhelom
               new PMEntry( new Point3D(  542,985,0 ), "Fel Yew" ), // Yew
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2526,583,0 ), "Fel Minoc" ), // Minoc
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1823,2821,0 ), "Fel Trinsic" ), // Trinsic
               new PMEntry( new Point3D(  598,2134,0 ), "Fel Skara Brae" ), // Skara Brae
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 3728,2164,20 ), "Fel Magincia" ), // Magincia
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 3626,2612,0 ), "Fel Ocllo" ),  // Haven
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2899,676,0 ), "Fel Vesper" ),  // Vesper
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 3770,1308,0 ), "Fel NuJhelom" ),  // NuJhelom
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2237,1214,0 ), "Fel Cove" ),  // Cove
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2895,3479,15 ), "Fel Serpents Hold" ),  // Serpents Hold
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2705,2162,0 ), "Fel Bucs Den" ),  // Bucs Den
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 5272,3995,37 ), "Fel Delucia" ),  // Delucia
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 5729,3209,-1 ), "Fel Papua" ),  // Papua
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1361,895,0 ), "Fel Wind" )  // Wind
            } );

      public static readonly PMList FeluccaDungeons =
         new PMList( "Felucca Dungeons", "Felucca Dungeons", Map.Felucca, new PMEntry[]
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1301,1080,0 ), "Fel Despise" ),  // Despise
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 511,1565,0 ), "Fel Shame" ),  // Shame
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4111,434,5 ), "Fel Deceit" ),  // Deceit
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2498,921,0 ), "Fel Covetous" ),  // Covetous
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2043,238,10 ), "Fel Wrong" ),  // Wrong
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1176,2637,0 ), "Fel Destard" ),  // Destard
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4721,3824,0 ), "Fel Hythloth" ),  // Hythloth
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4596,3630,30 ), "Fel Hythloth Fire Pit" ),  // Hythloth
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2923,3409,8 ), "Fel Fire" ),  // Fire
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1999,81,4 ), "Fel Ice" ),  // Ice
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 5451,3143,-60 ), "Fel Terathan Keep" ),  // Terathan Keep
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4596,3630,30 ), "Fel Daemon Temple" ),  // Daemon Temple
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 5766,2634,43 ), "Fel Ophidian Temple" ),  // Ophidian Temple
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2607,763,0 ), "Fel Solen Hives Area B" )  // Solen
        } );

      public static readonly PMList Trammel =
         new PMList( "Trammel", "Trammel", Map.Trammel, new PMEntry[]
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4464,1166,0 ), "Tram Moonglow" ), // Moonglow
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1430,1703,9 ), "Tram Britain" ), // Britain
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1417,3821,0 ), "Tram Jhelom" ), // Jhelom
               new PMEntry( new Point3D(  542,985,0 ), "Tram Yew" ), // Yew
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2526,583,0 ), "Tram Minoc" ), // Minoc
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1823,2821,0 ), "Tram Trinsic" ), // Trinsic
               new PMEntry( new Point3D(  598,2134,0 ), "Tram Skara Brae" ), // Skara Brae
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 3728,2164,20 ), "Tram Magincia" ), // Magincia
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 3626,2612,0 ), "Tram Haven" ),  // Haven
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2899,676,0 ), "Tram Vesper" ),  // Vesper
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 3770,1308,0 ), "Tram NuJhelom" ),  // NuJhelom
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2237,1214,0 ), "Tram Cove" ),  // Cove
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2895,3479,15 ), "Tram Serpents Hold" ),  // Serpents Hold
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2705,2162,0 ), "Tram Bucs Den" ),  // Bucs Den
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 5272,3995,37 ), "Tram Delucia" ),  // Delucia
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 5729,3209,-1 ), "Tram Papua" ),  // Papua
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1361,895,0 ), "Tram Wind" )  // Wind
            } );

      public static readonly PMList TrammelDungeons =
         new PMList( "Trammel Dungeons", "Trammel Dungeons", Map.Trammel, new PMEntry[]
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1301,1080,0 ), "Tram Despise" ),  // Despise
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 511,1565,0 ), "Tram Shame" ),  // Shame
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4111,434,5 ), "Tram Deceit" ),  // Deceit
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2498,921,0 ), "Tram Covetous" ),  // Covetous
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2043,238,10 ), "Tram Wrong" ),  // Wrong
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1176,2637,0 ), "Tram Destard" ),  // Destard
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4721,3824,0 ), "Tram Hythloth" ),  // Hythloth
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4596,3630,30 ), "Tram Hythloth Fire Pit" ),  // Hythloth
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2923,3409,8 ), "Tram Fire" ),  // Fire
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1999,81,4 ), "Tram Ice" ),  // Ice
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 5451,3143,-60 ), "Tram Terathan Keep" ),  // Terathan Keep
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4596,3630,30 ), "Tram Daemon Temple" ),  // Daemon Temple
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 5766,2634,43 ), "Tram Ophidian Temple" ),  // Ophidian Temple
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2607,763,0 ), "Fel Solen Hives Area B" )  // Solen
        } );

      public static readonly PMList Ilshenar =
         new PMList( "Ilshenar", "Ilshenar", Map.Ilshenar, new PMEntry[]
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 852,602,-40 ), "Gargoyle City" ),  // Gargoyle
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1151,659,-80 ), "Savage Camp" ),  // Savage
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 576,1150,-100 ), "Ankh Dungeon" ),  // Ankh
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1747,1171,-2 ), "Blood Dungeon" ),  // Blood
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 548,462,-53 ), "Sorceror's Dungeon" ),  // Sorceror's
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1362,1033,-8 ), "Spectre Dungeon" ),  // Spectre
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 651,1302,-58 ), "Wisp Dungeon" ),  // Wisp
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1203,1124,-25 ), "Lakeshire" ),  // Lakeshire
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 819,1130,-29 ), "Mistas" ),  // Mistas
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1706,205,104 ), "Montor" )  // Montor
            } );

      public static readonly PMList Malas =
         new PMList( "Malas", "Malas", Map.Malas, new PMEntry[]
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 990,520,-50 ), "Luna" ), // Luna
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2047,1353,-85 ), "Umbra" ),  // Umbra
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2368,1267,-85 ), "Doom" )  // Doom

            } );

      public static readonly PMList Tokuno =
         new PMList( "Tokuno", "Tokuno", Map.Maps[4], new PMEntry[]
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 322,430,32 ), "Homare Bushido Dojo" ), // Homare Bushido Dojo
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 255,789,63 ), "Homare Yomotsu Mine" ),  // Homare Yomotsu Mine
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 203,985,18 ), "Homare Crane Marsh" ),  // Homare Crane Marsh
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 741,1261,30 ), "Makoto Zento" ), // Makoto Zento
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 727,1048,33 ), "Makoto Desert" ),  // Makoto Desert
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 970,222,23 ), "Isamu Fan Dancer's Dojo" ), // Isamu Fan Dancer's Dojo
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1234,772,3 ), "Isamu Mt. Sho Castle" ),  // Isamu Mt. Sho Castle
               new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1044,523,15 ), "Isamu Valor Shrine" )  // Isamu Valor Shrine

            } );
          /*Here you can edit what facets to show on the TravelBooks...*/
        public static readonly PMList[] UORLists        = new PMList[] { Felucca, Trammel, TrammelDungeons, FeluccaDungeons };
        public static readonly PMList[] UORlistsYoung    = new PMList[] { Trammel, TrammelDungeons };
        public static readonly PMList[] LBRLists        = new PMList[] { Felucca, Trammel, Ilshenar, TrammelDungeons, FeluccaDungeons };
        public static readonly PMList[] LBRListsYoung    = new PMList[] { Trammel, TrammelDungeons, Ilshenar };
        public static readonly PMList[] AOSLists        = new PMList[] { Trammel, Felucca, Ilshenar, Malas, Tokuno, TrammelDungeons, FeluccaDungeons };
        public static readonly PMList[] AOSListsYoung    = new PMList[] { Trammel, TrammelDungeons, Ilshenar, Malas };
        public static readonly PMList[] SELists        = new PMList[] { Trammel, Felucca, Ilshenar, Malas, Tokuno, TrammelDungeons, FeluccaDungeons };
        public static readonly PMList[] SEListsYoung    = new PMList[] { Trammel, TrammelDungeons, Ilshenar, Malas, Tokuno };
        public static readonly PMList[] RedLists        = new PMList[] { Felucca, FeluccaDungeons  };
        public static readonly PMList[] SigilLists    = new PMList[] { Felucca, FeluccaDungeons  };

   public class BookOfTravelGump : Gump
      public static void Initialize()
         CommandSystem.Register( "Pod2", AccessLevel.GameMaster, new CommandEventHandler( BookOfTravelGump_OnCommand ) );

      private static void BookOfTravelGump_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e )
         e.Mobile.SendGump( new BookOfTravelGump( e.Mobile ) );

      private Mobile m_Mobile;
      private PMList[] m_Lists;

      public BookOfTravelGump( Mobile mobile ) : base( 100, 100 )
         m_Mobile = mobile;

         PMList[] checkLists;

         if ( mobile.Player )
            if ( mobile.Kills >= 5 )
               checkLists = PMList.RedLists;
               int flags = mobile.NetState == null ? 0 : mobile.NetState.Flags;

               if ( Core.AOS && (flags & 0x8) != 0 )
                  checkLists = PMList.AOSLists;
               else if ( (flags & 0x4) != 0 )
                  checkLists = PMList.LBRLists;
                  checkLists = PMList.UORLists;
            checkLists = PMList.AOSLists;

         m_Lists = new PMList[checkLists.Length];

         for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lists.Length; ++i )
            m_Lists[i] = checkLists[i];

         for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lists.Length; ++i )
            if ( m_Lists[i].Map == mobile.Map )
               PMList temp = m_Lists[i];

               m_Lists[i] = m_Lists[0];
               m_Lists[0] = temp;


         AddPage( 0 );

         AddBackground( 0, 0, 380, 480, 9200 ); //5054 is invis. 2600 is not bad

         AddButton( 10, 270, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
         AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 270, 140, 25, 1011036, false, false ); // OKAY

         AddButton( 10, 295, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
         AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 295, 140, 25, 1011012, false, false ); // CANCEL

         AddHtmlLocalized( 5, 5, 200, 20, 1012011, false, false ); // Pick your destination:

         for ( int i = 0; i < checkLists.Length; ++i )
            AddButton( 10, 35 + (i * 25), 2117, 2118, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, Array.IndexOf( m_Lists, checkLists[i] ) + 1 );
            AddHtml( 30, 35 + (i * 25), 150, 20, checkLists[i].Text, false, false );

         for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lists.Length; ++i )
            RenderPage( i, Array.IndexOf( checkLists, m_Lists[i] ) );

      private void RenderPage( int index, int offset )
         PMList list = m_Lists[index];

         AddPage( index + 1 );

         AddButton( 10, 35 + (offset * 25), 2117, 2118, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index + 1 );
         AddHtml( 30, 35 + (offset * 25), 150, 20, list.SelText, false, false );

         PMEntry[] entries = list.Entries;

         for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
            AddRadio( 200, 35 + (i * 25), 210, 211, false, (index * 100) + i );
            AddHtml( 225, 35 + (i * 25), 150, 20, entries[i].Text, false, false );

      public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
         if ( info.ButtonID == 0 ) // Cancel
         else if ( m_Mobile.Deleted || m_Mobile.Map == null )

         int[] switches = info.Switches;

         if ( switches.Length == 0 )

         int switchID = switches[0];
         int listIndex = switchID / 100;
         int listEntry = switchID % 100;

         if ( listIndex < 0 || listIndex >= m_Lists.Length )

         PMList list = m_Lists[listIndex];

         if ( listEntry < 0 || listEntry >= list.Entries.Length )

         PMEntry entry = list.Entries[listEntry];

         if ( m_Mobile.Player && m_Mobile.Kills >= 5 && list.Map != Map.Trammel )
            m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1019004 ); // You are not allowed to travel there.
         else if ( m_Mobile.Criminal )
            m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005561, "", 0x22 ); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
         else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( m_Mobile ) )
            m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005564, "", 0x22 ); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
         else if ( m_Mobile.Spell != null )
            m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049616 ); // You are too busy to do that at the moment.
         else if ( m_Mobile.Map == list.Map && m_Mobile.InRange( entry.Location, 1 ) )
            m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1019003 ); // You are already there.
            BaseCreature.TeleportPets( m_Mobile, entry.Location, list.Map );

            m_Mobile.Combatant = null;
            m_Mobile.Warmode = false;
            m_Mobile.Map = list.Map;
            m_Mobile.Location = entry.Location;
} }
int flags = mobile.NetState == null ? 0 : mobile.NetState.Flags;
int flags = mobile.NetState == null ? 0 : (int)mobile.NetState.Flags;
You need to give crash logs or no one can help you. Please in the future if you are looking for help with a crash always include the log.
Here is the crash report on the BookOfTravel.cs script.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Server.Items.BookOfTravel.BookOfTravelGump..ctor(Mobile mobile)
at Server.Items.BookOfTravel.UseGate(Mobile m)
at Server.Items.BookOfTravel.OnMoveOver(Mobile m)
at Server.Mobile.Move(Direction d) in c:\ServUO\Server\Mobile.cs:line 3253
at Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.Move(Direction d)
at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.MovementReq(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc) in c:\ServUO\Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs:line 1691
at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns) in c:\ServUO\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 187
at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice() in c:\ServUO\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 121
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in c:\ServUO\Server\Main.cs:line 571