Hello Wilson, my server version is RUNUO2.2 and there is an error running. Can you help me modify it? Error code: Unable to find type or namespace name 'AfterWorldSaveEventArgs' (missing using directive or assembly reference?)

If you follow this script, write a pet lifespan script, such as: pet status is young, middle-aged, elderly, and on the brink of death. Can using life water refresh pet lifespan increase player stickiness?
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Sorry, 57+ Only : RunUO doesn't have all the features that ServUO has that makes these types of systems possible with no edits to the server! Also please learn to use code tags, a wall of code in a post is not appealing to read in the slightest, specially when its just a repost of the script, if a mod reads this, can you please remove the wall of text!
Sorry, 57+ Only : RunUO doesn't have all the features that ServUO has that makes these types of systems possible with no edits to the server! Also please learn to use code tags, a wall of code in a post is not appealing to read in the slightest, specially when its just a repost of the script, if a mod reads this, can you please remove the wall of text!
It's really regrettable that many fragmented servers in the world have not been upgraded to the highest ServUO. We are just one of them, and we will continue to persist RUNUO2.0 under the NET2.0 framework. Thank you, Mr. Wilson, for your patient response. The old version of RUNUO aims to achieve a subtle balance between the elf race and the human world view, while the new UO race can only crush the old race, with insufficient depth exploration and intelligent expansion to make do. That's why the older version 1.2604 will be available in many places,The above design blueprint is our most unique feature and also the foundation based on our region. Of course, in our country, there are also the latest ServUO servers available, but the development level is clearly insufficient, and continuous updates have led to frequent server errors. After a period of time, they have all become close to the latest, but not the latest level. And I will continue to adhere to the old RunUO and continue to develop a relatively controllable server version. In addition, I will also learn more about ServUO knowledge with Mr. Wilson. In the future, perhaps I will run two servers at the same time, an old version (a world where elves and humans balance), and a continuously updated version following ServUO. I look forward to it!
I understand, I started with RunUO Beta 34 back in 2003, but c# keeps getting updated and so does RunUO/ServUO, I made a choice to just work on the latest version as working on multiple versions can get messy quick, plus I don't like being restricted by older frameworks! Keep in mind, anything RunUO had is still here, just have to modify the code, and as for errors and such, when Windows is error free we can start complaining about that, but as far as I see, nothing is 100% error free in the world of coding! lol
Wilson updated Crafted Food Decay with a new update entry:

Major Update

Added Luck Bonus - This bonus will only trigger if they eat exceptional food to fill them up, it will ware off when hunger again! It is set on by default, edit top of script to turn off luck bonus and change bonus amount, default 20!

Note : This should entice players to keep a stock of exceptional food in their pack and to keep their toon full!

Read the rest of this update entry...