post your FSAnimalTrainer.cs file please.

Also note if your using servuo and FS taming that you will need both tamers spawned everywhere or you need to edit the original animaltrainer.cs
[doublepost=1537691578][/doublepost]if you are using the latest core of servuo you can use these for your animal trainers. I've edited the distro versions so i can use both the new animal training system and FS systems on the same mobile.This will also mean you wont have to have 2 mobiles spawned when you only really need one.

using System;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Engines.BulkOrders;
using CustomsFramework.Systems.AnimalBODSystem;

namespace Server.Mobiles
    public class SBAnimalTrainer : SBInfo
        private readonly List<GenericBuyInfo> m_BuyInfo = new InternalBuyInfo();
        private readonly IShopSellInfo m_SellInfo = new InternalSellInfo();
        public SBAnimalTrainer()

        public override IShopSellInfo SellInfo
                return m_SellInfo;
        public override List<GenericBuyInfo> BuyInfo
                return m_BuyInfo;

        public class InternalBuyInfo : List<GenericBuyInfo>
            public InternalBuyInfo()
                #region Shrink System
                this.Add(new GenericBuyInfo(typeof(PetLeash), 15000, 5, 0x1374, 0));
                this.Add(new GenericBuyInfo(typeof(StrongPetLeash), 30000, 5, 0x1374, 0));

                #region FS Taming Craft
                this.Add(new GenericBuyInfo(typeof(Brush), 100, 20, 0x1373, 0));

                #region FS Taming BOD system
                this.Add(new GenericBuyInfo(typeof(TamingBulkOrderBook), 10000, 20, 0x2259, 0));
                Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(Cat), 132, 10, 201, 0));
                Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(Dog), 170, 10, 217, 0));
                Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(Horse), 550, 10, 204, 0));
                Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(PackHorse), 631, 10, 291, 0));
                Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(PackLlama), 565, 10, 292, 0));
                Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(Rabbit), 106, 10, 205, 0));

                if (!Core.AOS)
                    Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(Eagle), 402, 10, 5, 0));
                    Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(BrownBear), 855, 10, 167, 0));
                    Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(GrizzlyBear), 1767, 10, 212, 0));
                    Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(Panther), 1271, 10, 214, 0));
                    Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(TimberWolf), 768, 10, 225, 0));
                    Add(new AnimalBuyInfo(1, typeof(Rat), 107, 10, 238, 0));

        public class InternalSellInfo : GenericSellInfo
            public InternalSellInfo()

#region References
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using System.Linq;
using Server.Engines.BulkOrders;
using CustomsFramework.Systems.AnimalBODSystem;

namespace Server.Mobiles
    public class AnimalTrainer : BaseVendor
        private readonly List<SBInfo> m_SBInfos = new List<SBInfo>();

        public AnimalTrainer()
            : base("the animal trainer")
            SetSkill(SkillName.AnimalLore, 64.0, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.AnimalTaming, 90.0, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Veterinary, 65.0, 88.0);

        public AnimalTrainer(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)
        { }

        protected override List<SBInfo> SBInfos { get { return m_SBInfos; } }
        public override VendorShoeType ShoeType { get { return Female ? VendorShoeType.ThighBoots : VendorShoeType.Boots; } }

        public override void InitSBInfo()
            m_SBInfos.Add(new SBAnimalTrainer());

        public override int GetShoeHue()
            return 0;

        public override void InitOutfit()

            AddItem(Utility.RandomBool() ? new QuarterStaff() : (Item)new ShepherdsCrook());

        public override void AddCustomContextEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
            if (from.Alive)
                list.Add(new StableEntry(this, from));

                if (from.Stabled.Count > 0)
                    list.Add(new ClaimAllEntry(this, from));
                if (this.SupportsTamingBulkOrders(from) && AnimalBODCore.Core.Enabled)
                    list.Add(new TamingBulkOrderInfoEntry(from, this));

            base.AddCustomContextEntries(from, list);

        public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

            if (PetTrainingHelper.Enabled)
                list.Add(1072269); // Quest Giver

        private DateTime _NextTalk;

        public override void OnMovement(Mobile m, Point3D oldLocation)
            if (PetTrainingHelper.Enabled && m.Alive && !m.Hidden && m is PlayerMobile)
                PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m;

                if (InLOS(m) && InRange(m, 8) && !InRange(oldLocation, 8) && DateTime.UtcNow >= _NextTalk)
                    if (Utility.Random(100) < 50)
                        Say(1157526); // Such an exciting time to be an Animal Trainer! New taming techniques have been discovered!

                    _NextTalk = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);

        private Type[] _Quests = { typeof(TamingPetQuest), typeof(UsingAnimalLoreQuest), typeof(LeadingIntoBattleQuest), typeof(TeachingSomethingNewQuest) };

        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile m)
            if (PetTrainingHelper.Enabled && m is PlayerMobile && m.InRange(Location, 5))

        public bool CheckQuest(PlayerMobile player)
            for (int i = 0; i < _Quests.Length; i++)
                var quest = player.Quests.FirstOrDefault(q => q.GetType() == _Quests[i]);

                if (quest != null)
                    if (quest.Completed)
                        if (quest.GetType() != typeof(TeachingSomethingNewQuest))
                            player.SendGump(new MondainQuestGump(quest, MondainQuestGump.Section.Complete, false, true));

                        return true;
                        player.SendGump(new MondainQuestGump(quest, MondainQuestGump.Section.InProgress, false));

            BaseQuest questt = new TamingPetQuest();
            questt.Owner = player;
            questt.Quester = this;
            player.SendGump(new MondainQuestGump(questt));

            return true;

        public static int GetMaxStabled(Mobile from)
            var taming = from.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Value;
            var anlore = from.Skills[SkillName.AnimalLore].Value;
            var vetern = from.Skills[SkillName.Veterinary].Value;
            var sklsum = taming + anlore + vetern;

            int max = from is PlayerMobile ? ((PlayerMobile)from).RewardStableSlots : 0;

            if (sklsum >= 240.0)
                max += 5;
            else if (sklsum >= 200.0)
                max += 4;
            else if (sklsum >= 160.0)
                max += 3;
                max += 2;

            // bonus SA stable slots
            if (Core.SA)
                max += 2;
            //bonus ToL stable slots
            if (Core.TOL)
                max += 2;

            if (taming >= 100.0)
                max += (int)((taming - 90.0) / 10);

            if (anlore >= 100.0)
                max += (int)((anlore - 90.0) / 10);

            if (vetern >= 100.0)
                max += (int)((vetern - 90.0) / 10);

            return max + Server.Spells.SkillMasteries.MasteryInfo.BoardingSlotIncrease(from);

        private void CloseClaimList(Mobile from)

        public void BeginClaimList(Mobile from)
            if (Deleted || !from.CheckAlive())

            var list = new List<BaseCreature>();

            for (var i = 0; i < from.Stabled.Count; ++i)
                var pet = from.Stabled[i] as BaseCreature;

                if (pet == null || pet.Deleted)
                    if (pet != null)
                        pet.IsStabled = false;
                        pet.StabledBy = null;



            if (list.Count > 0)
                from.SendGump(new ClaimListGump(this, from, list));
                SayTo(from, 502671); // But I have no animals stabled with me at the moment!

        public void EndClaimList(Mobile from, BaseCreature pet)
            if (pet == null || pet.Deleted || from.Map != Map || !from.Stabled.Contains(pet) || !from.CheckAlive())

            if (!from.InRange(this, 14))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500446); // That is too far away.

            if (CanClaim(from, pet))
                DoClaim(from, pet);


                if (from is PlayerMobile)
                SayTo(from, 1049612, pet.Name); // ~1_NAME~ remained in the stables because you have too many followers.

        public void BeginStable(Mobile from)
            if (Deleted || !from.CheckAlive())

            if ((from.Backpack == null || from.Backpack.GetAmount(typeof(Gold)) < 30) && Banker.GetBalance(from) < 30)
                SayTo(from, 1042556); // Thou dost not have enough gold, not even in thy bank account.

             * I charge 30 gold per pet for a real week's stable time.
             * I will withdraw it from thy bank account.
             * Which animal wouldst thou like to stable here?

            from.Target = new StableTarget(this);

        public void EndStable(Mobile from, BaseCreature pet)
            if (Deleted || !from.CheckAlive())

            if (pet.Body.IsHuman)
                SayTo(from, 502672); // HA HA HA! Sorry, I am not an inn.
            else if (!pet.Controlled)
                SayTo(from, 1048053); // You can't stable that!
            else if (pet.ControlMaster != from)
                SayTo(from, 1042562); // You do not own that pet!
            else if (pet.IsDeadPet)
                SayTo(from, 1049668); // Living pets only, please.
            else if (pet.Summoned)
                SayTo(from, 502673); // I can not stable summoned creatures.
            else if (pet.Allured)
                SayTo(from, 1048053); // You can't stable that!
            else if ((pet is PackLlama || pet is PackHorse || pet is Beetle) &&
                     (pet.Backpack != null && pet.Backpack.Items.Count > 0))
                SayTo(from, 1042563); // You need to unload your pet.
            else if (pet.Combatant != null && pet.InRange(pet.Combatant, 12) && pet.Map == pet.Combatant.Map)
                SayTo(from, 1042564); // I'm sorry.  Your pet seems to be busy.
            else if (from.Stabled.Count >= GetMaxStabled(from))
                SayTo(from, 1042565); // You have too many pets in the stables!
            else if ((from.Backpack != null && from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), 30)) || Banker.Withdraw(from, 30))
                pet.ControlTarget = null;
                pet.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;

                pet.SummonMaster = null;

                pet.IsStabled = true;
                pet.StabledBy = from;

                if (Core.SE)
                    pet.Loyalty = MaxLoyalty; // Wonderfully happy


                SayTo(from, Core.AOS ? 1049677 : 502679);
                // [AOS: Your pet has been stabled.] Very well, thy pet is stabled.
                // Thou mayst recover it by saying 'claim' to me. In one real world week,
                // I shall sell it off if it is not claimed!
                SayTo(from, 502677); // But thou hast not the funds in thy bank account!

        public void Claim(Mobile from)
            Claim(from, null);

        public void Claim(Mobile from, string petName)
            if (Deleted || !from.CheckAlive())

            var claimed = false;
            var stabled = 0;

            var claimByName = (petName != null);

            for (var i = 0; i < from.Stabled.Count; ++i)
                var pet = from.Stabled[i] as BaseCreature;

                if (pet == null || pet.Deleted)
                    if (pet != null)
                        pet.IsStabled = false;
                        pet.StabledBy = null;



                if (claimByName && !Insensitive.Equals(pet.Name, petName))

                if (CanClaim(from, pet))
                    DoClaim(from, pet);


                    if (from is PlayerMobile)


                    claimed = true;
                    SayTo(from, 1049612, pet.Name); // ~1_NAME~ remained in the stables because you have too many followers.

            if (claimed)
                SayTo(from, 1042559); // Here you go... and good day to you!
            else if (stabled == 0)
                SayTo(from, 502671); // But I have no animals stabled with me at the moment!
            else if (claimByName)

        public bool CanClaim(Mobile from, BaseCreature pet)
            return ((from.Followers + pet.ControlSlots) <= from.FollowersMax);

        private void DoClaim(Mobile from, BaseCreature pet)

            if (pet.Summoned)
                pet.SummonMaster = from;

            pet.ControlTarget = from;
            pet.ControlOrder = OrderType.Follow;

            pet.MoveToWorld(from.Location, from.Map);

            pet.IsStabled = false;
            pet.StabledBy = null;

            if (Core.SE)
                pet.Loyalty = MaxLoyalty; // Wonderfully Happy

        public override bool HandlesOnSpeech(Mobile from)
            return true;

        public override void OnSpeech(SpeechEventArgs e)
            if (!e.Handled && e.HasKeyword(0x0008)) // *stable*
                e.Handled = true;

            else if (!e.Handled && e.HasKeyword(0x0009)) // *claim*
                e.Handled = true;


                var index = e.Speech.IndexOf(' ');

                if (index != -1)
                    Claim(e.Mobile, e.Speech.Substring(index).Trim());
            else if (!e.Handled && e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf("stablecount") >= 0)
                IPooledEnumerable eable = e.Mobile.Map.GetMobilesInRange(e.Mobile.Location, 8);
                e.Handled = true;

                foreach (Mobile m in eable)
                    if (m is AnimalTrainer)
                        e.Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1071250, String.Format("{0}\t{1}", e.Mobile.Stabled.Count.ToString(), GetMaxStabled(e.Mobile).ToString())); // ~1_USED~/~2_MAX~ stable stalls used.


        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)


        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

        #region FS Taming BOD System
        private class TamingBulkOrderInfoEntry : ContextMenuEntry
            private readonly Mobile m_From;
            private readonly AnimalTrainer m_Vendor;

            public TamingBulkOrderInfoEntry(Mobile from, AnimalTrainer vendor)
                : base(6152)
                this.m_From = from;
                this.m_Vendor = vendor;

            public override void OnClick()
                if (this.m_Vendor.SupportsTamingBulkOrders(this.m_From))
                    TimeSpan ts = this.m_Vendor.GetNextBulkOrder(this.m_From);

                    int totalSeconds = (int)ts.TotalSeconds;
                    int totalHours = (totalSeconds + 3599) / 3600;
                    int totalMinutes = (totalSeconds + 59) / 60;

                    if (((Core.SE) ? totalMinutes == 0 : totalHours == 0))
                        this.m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1049038); // You can get an order now.

                        if (Core.AOS)
                            Item bulkOrder = this.m_Vendor.CreateBulkOrder(this.m_From, true);

                            if (bulkOrder is LargeMobileBOD)
                                this.m_From.SendGump(new LargeMobileBODAcceptGump(this.m_From, (LargeMobileBOD)bulkOrder));
                            else if (bulkOrder is SmallMobileBOD)
                                this.m_From.SendGump(new SmallMobileBODAcceptGump(this.m_From, (SmallMobileBOD)bulkOrder));
                        int oldSpeechHue = this.m_Vendor.SpeechHue;
                        this.m_Vendor.SpeechHue = 0x3B2;

                        if (Core.SE)
                            this.m_Vendor.SayTo(this.m_From, 1072058, totalMinutes.ToString()); // An offer may be available in about ~1_minutes~ minutes.
                            this.m_Vendor.SayTo(this.m_From, 1049039, totalHours.ToString()); // An offer may be available in about ~1_hours~ hours.

                        this.m_Vendor.SpeechHue = oldSpeechHue;

        public override Item CreateBulkOrder(Mobile from, bool fromContextMenu)
            AnimalBODModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(AnimalBODModule)) as AnimalBODModule ?? new AnimalBODModule(from);

            if (from != null && module.NextTamingBulkOrder == TimeSpan.Zero && (fromContextMenu || 0.2 > Utility.RandomDouble()))
                double theirSkill = from.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Base;

                if (theirSkill >= 70.1)
                    module.NextTamingBulkOrder = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60.0);
                else if (theirSkill >= 50.1)
                    module.NextTamingBulkOrder = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30.0);
                    module.NextTamingBulkOrder = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15.0);

                if (theirSkill >= 70.1 && ((theirSkill - 40.0) / 300.0) > Utility.RandomDouble())
                    return new LargeTamingBOD();

                return SmallTamingBOD.CreateRandomFor(from);

            return null;

        public override bool IsValidBulkOrder(Item item)
            return (item is SmallTamingBOD || item is LargeTamingBOD);

        public virtual bool SupportsTamingBulkOrders(Mobile from)
            return (from is PlayerMobile && from.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Base > 0);

        public override TimeSpan GetNextBulkOrder(Mobile from)
            AnimalBODModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(AnimalBODModule)) as AnimalBODModule ?? new AnimalBODModule(from);

            return module.NextTamingBulkOrder;

        public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped)
            if (dropped is SmallTamingBOD || dropped is LargeTamingBOD)
                if (!AnimalBODCore.Core.Enabled)
                    from.SendMessage("The animal taming BOD system is currently offline. Please contact a game master for details.");
                    return false;
                else if (!IsValidBulkOrder(dropped) || !SupportsTamingBulkOrders(from))
                    SayTo(from, 1045130); // That order is for some other shopkeeper.
                    return false;
                else if ((dropped is SmallMobileBOD && !((SmallMobileBOD)dropped).Complete) || (dropped is LargeMobileBOD && !((LargeMobileBOD)dropped).Complete))
                    SayTo(from, 1045131); // You have not completed the order yet.
                    return false;

                Item reward;
                int gold, fame;

                if (dropped is LargeMobileBOD)
                    ((LargeMobileBOD)dropped).GetRewards(out reward, out gold, out fame);
                    ((SmallMobileBOD)dropped).GetRewards(out reward, out gold, out fame);


                SayTo(from, 1045132); // Thank you so much!  Here is a reward for your effort.

                if (reward != null)

                if (gold > 1000)
                    from.AddToBackpack(new BankCheck(gold));
                else if (gold > 0)
                    from.AddToBackpack(new Gold(gold));

                Titles.AwardFame(from, fame, true);


                return true;

            return base.OnDragDrop(from, dropped);

        public override void OnSuccessfulBulkOrderReceive(Mobile from)
        private class StableEntry : ContextMenuEntry
            private readonly Mobile m_From;
            private readonly AnimalTrainer m_Trainer;

            public StableEntry(AnimalTrainer trainer, Mobile from)
                : base(6126, 12)
                m_Trainer = trainer;
                m_From = from;

            public override void OnClick()

        private class ClaimListGump : Gump
            private readonly Mobile m_From;
            private readonly List<BaseCreature> m_List;
            private readonly AnimalTrainer m_Trainer;

            public ClaimListGump(AnimalTrainer trainer, Mobile from, List<BaseCreature> list)
                : base(50, 50)
                m_Trainer = trainer;
                m_From = from;
                m_List = list;



                AddBackground(0, 0, 325, 50 + (list.Count * 20), 9250);
                AddAlphaRegion(5, 5, 315, 40 + (list.Count * 20));

                    "<BASEFONT COLOR=#000008>Select a pet to retrieve from the stables:</BASEFONT>",

                for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                    var pet = list[i];

                    if (pet == null || pet.Deleted)

                    AddButton(15, 39 + (i * 20), 10006, 10006, i + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        35 + (i * 20),
                        String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#C6C6EF>{0}</BASEFONT>", pet.Name),

            public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
                var index = info.ButtonID - 1;

                if (index >= 0 && index < m_List.Count)
                    m_Trainer.EndClaimList(m_From, m_List[index]);

        private class ClaimAllEntry : ContextMenuEntry
            private readonly Mobile m_From;
            private readonly AnimalTrainer m_Trainer;

            public ClaimAllEntry(AnimalTrainer trainer, Mobile from)
                : base(6127, 12)
                m_Trainer = trainer;
                m_From = from;

            public override void OnClick()

        private class StableTarget : Target
            private readonly AnimalTrainer m_Trainer;

            public StableTarget(AnimalTrainer trainer)
                : base(12, false, TargetFlags.None)
                m_Trainer = trainer;

            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                if (targeted is BaseCreature)
                    m_Trainer.EndStable(from, (BaseCreature)targeted);
                else if (targeted == from)
                    m_Trainer.SayTo(from, 502672); // HA HA HA! Sorry, I am not an inn.
                    m_Trainer.SayTo(from, 1048053); // You can't stable that!

If you are not using the ShrinkSystem/BodSystem/CraftSystem make sure that you comment those out.

This is based on using all of the FS taming system apart from bio.

Hope this helps