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Ultima Expansion
Hello, we want to implement paintings in ultima adventures which, when double clicked, would load a jpg from the server's directory and display it in a gump.

Would anyone here know of a script that loads jpg images from a local directory and displays them ingame? It's a little beyond my abilities and i'd need some template to base the new script on.

i've been told that streaming the jpg can't be done from the server to the client. so the images would need to be in the client-side. I guess then my question is can a gump load/show an image that isn't in the art.mul, but in a directory on the client-side?
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You could import them into the art or gump file and load them as a normal gump. Another option could be to load a weblink item and just open to a web page via browser.
I don't think this is possible with regular client aside from patching client files. But maybe community clients such as OrionUO or ClassicUO can display html <img> tag in the gump.
Gump images are in gump.mul, you may as well edit that if you're going to be supplying images with the client anyway.
Convert them to BMP for importing in Fiddler.

You can actually "stream" images in gumps, it has been a feature in Vita-Nex as a proof of concept for a while, but it is entirely useless IMO...
It can only support images up to 128x128 that are around 5-10kb in file size, due to the hacky way in which each pixel is translated to an html entry that uses the <bodybgcolor> tag - it often overflows the gump packet size limit.