So I am getting into ServUO a bit now I have my old RUO converted. Something right off the bat that is bugging me is right after loading all my world XML spawners, I get a lag or hesitation every 2-4 running steps of my character.

My spawned world is exactly how I have been running my older RUO shard. I would need to look into my player range sensitive code, but I know I had it very very weak, meaning that nearly the entire world remains active all the time, no matter who is where in the world.

The only way I can stop this lag or hesitation is if I set all my XML spawners to Smart Spawning. but, I HATE that setting! Every time you leave the area, the spawn despawns. Making a new spawned area when you return.. That just wont work. It might be okay for select areas..

Anyways, anyone else have this issue? I have not really decided if its an XML spawner issue, or a performance issue somehow related to a lot of spawn... ? Figure Id throw it out here, see if anyone else experiences this.

This is a newer XML spawner version than what I was using.. and I have a ServUO 54 with most my years of work integrated.. Could use some pointers on where to look into this, I think.

23,459 Mobiles spawned to the world.
I reduced all spawn to one map, now 4377 spawned Mobiles, and lag is gone..

Preformance issue? Bad Spawner?
So I tried a few things. First, setting Player Range Sensitive false made it just stupid laggy, so it was/is set right.

I dumped all spawners, and respawned map by map, and found that Britannia's 12 or 1800 spawners are the issue. There must be an issue with one or more of them somehow, and is bogging down the server. I despawn Trammel, and run perfect with some 10k spawned mobs over the other 4 maps :)

Guess I respawan Tram a bit more careful, and should be okay!
Here are a few issues we have dealt with in the past. First, if you are using Names instead of Serial Numbers when checking the conditions on other spawners this causes a lot of lag as it has to search through all the items/spawners to find that one. For instance if you were checking the CurrentCount on a spawner you wouldn't want to do this:


use this instead:

GET,<insert spawner serial #>,xmlspawner,property

When you are using GET,SET,etc., remember to always include the ItemType after the Serial #, as this will also help to increase the speed with which items/spawners are found.

Second, we heavily use SmartSpawning without any problems. You will probably want to use OptimalSmartSpawning to determine which spawns SmartSpawning applies to. There are some mods that Art had made for keeping things like Paragons and creatures who have rummaged a player corpse from despawning. There is a link at the bottom that explains SmartSpawning and shows how to add the check for Paragon and rummaging creatures, if you don't already have the mod. In addition to keeping the shard lag free SmartSpawning can also help with decreasing save times. Anyway, hope this helps with your issue.