
Good morning,
I came this way in search of a UO server that would allow use of gargoyle and High Seas content. I am wondering if you can point me in the direction of the "features" list. That and I have a few questions.

how closely is this tied into the RunUO core, I.E. do you merge their code changes into this fork when they make significant changes?

How long do you plan on being around? I was using Orbsydias SVN for a while, but it seems like it has been abandoned. I don't want that to happen again, so my final question is How can I get involved with the development of this fork?

I know I can do custom scripts and the like, but it seems like that mostly supports the community around ServUO and not so much the developers.
Hello @sec_goat, welcome to ServUO. =D

To answer some of your questions. ServUO was originally based on an older RunUO svn revision. Since then, we've taken measures to merge in updates that RunUO has done to their repo. However, we're currently behind many revisions. Mostly due to me moving across the US and being MIA for so long. How ever, I have recently begun updating ServUO along side of the RunUO repo again.

I haven't really had much spare time over the past couple of weeks to finish up the updates though. Due to being rather busy with things in real life. I'm currently merging in the new ML quest system from RunUO. Once I get it in, I will be stripping out the old ML quest system (the one from OrbU made by Malgain(sp?)) Once I get the old ML quest system out and the new ML quest system in from RunUO, I will push the changes to the public repo before continuing on with the other updates from the RunUO svn.

So...short version of the question. Yes, we try to keep ServUO up to par with changes from the RunUO svn. Meaning you get the best of both worlds.

As for your other question. I've been a long time fan of UO for...way too long, heh. Even with the occasional time away, I always end up coming back to UO. With that said, I have no interest in leaving UO like I have before in the past for spans of a couple of months. I started this server to give back to the community, while also hoping to set more of a standard when it comes to developing for a UO server...among many other reasons.

With that said, I've seen plenty of forks of RunUO and various other emulators come and go over the years. So one of my first priorities when creating the project, was to do it in a way that would prevent it from ever vanishing or dying out completely. Which is the main reason for me deciding not to host the project on my own server (especially with all the issues I constantly ran into due to RunUO trying to host their own svn.) Which is exactly why the ServUO repo is maintained over at Assembla. Anyone can fork the repo, check it out, even offer pull requests (offer bug fixes from your own repo to the public server repo.)

The only thing that could possibly vanish...would be this website. As it's the only thing that requires a bill to be paid to keep it alive. However, the bills for the site is paid till next February. Although I have plans to setup some sort of way for fans to donate to the cause, as I'd love to keep the site around for years to come...and I don't have money to spend on the site and services like the guys over at RunUO do. Especially since I have other plans for the ServUO site (which you can see via the recent announcements I've made recently.

Last but not least, the answer to your final question. The ServUO server/emulator...while it may be an idea from me, it really is a project that belongs to the community. This means that I'm completely open to allowing anyone to lend a hand with a project. So if you have the spare time to donate to the project (or spare cash =P) then all you have to do is ask. Even if you have ZERO development skill, don't be scared to ask to help. As there are tons of things to do for the project, some things that require little or no C# knowledge at all.

The team of developers that have helped develop ServUO aren't professional developers (with the exception of @Dougan Ironfist.) I myself enjoy helping people learn the skill. So even if your C# knowledge isn't amazing, don't be deterred from asking to help. Even if all you can do to help, is offer suggestions or report bugs/issues.

One last time, welcome to ServUO! Glad you found us here, and feel free to tell your friends about us. Just please don't do so by advertising on RunUO or anything. I've managed to build the site and project here with no advertising at all, as I don't wish to step on anyone's toes or piss anyone off.
On that last part you posted @Insanity; I would really like to help contribute to the growth of ServUO in some way. I am just starting to learn C# at college so I think this might help my skills improve while having some fun as well. But really, I do not have a lot of knowledge of C# yet at this point. If you have any time could you possibly send me a PM to let me know what could be done?
@Insanity Thanks for the reply, I am glad to hear you guys are here and working diligently on ServUO. I can completely understand how life can get busy and get in the way of the funner things in life. I wonder if there isn't something in regards to the ML quests that some one here could help with, I find as of late I am decent at merging the script files to get things working, so if you want to pass some of the grunt work off let me know I would be happy to help.

In the same regard I wonder about the Imbuing skill, it does not appear to be present in ServUO, is that something you are workings on as well? I know Orbsydia had it at one point, and I have seen it in other areas as well.

I too have been a fan of UO for quiet a long time, I unfortunately seem to drift off for large amounts of time, only to return at least once a year! However I would like to change that as well, and feel if I can get into a project working with others I will stay much more motivated to stick around. Like you said, give back to the community!

I by no means am a professional coder, but I have about 2 years worth of C# experience, you can see here if you really want my resume :)
So my question comes down to this: Is there a list of todo's some where on the repo that some one can get in and start taking a look at and start working on?

@GameSage I would like to contribute to the community as well. So if you feel you have any questions with C# please feel free to let me know I would be glad to help you on your learning journey.

Thanks again ServUO!
I came this way in search of a UO server that would allow use of gargoyle and High Seas content.

First off welcome! 2nd I am currently working on a high seas pack it should have its first beta release by Friday *crosses fingers*

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First off welcome! 2nd I am currently working on a high seas pack it should have its first beta release by Friday *crosses fingers*

@RoninGT Thanks for the welcome. And awesome to hear about the high seas pack, let me know if you need some help, I am decent with C# but even if it's just to test it out I am happy!
Sounds good. Currently I just have the fishing end of it done. New (Mythic/EA) fish in plus a custom automated fishing tournament. Right now if anyone could give me the correct hues for the fish that would be wonderful. Next step will be the galleons and ship to ship combat.

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I don't believe the fish contain hues? With the correct id or name they should be set from what I remember seeing these in the past with UOFiddler. (Alot like the Runuo basic fish)
@sec_goat thanks for the offer. I may take you up on that if I find myself in a bind.


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