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How to chain together Mondain Quests and get it to work: - Tutorial on chaining custom quests from UODevPro

First of all, we all probably have those moments where we just 'don't' want to build a quest, let alone have no idea how to build a quest chain.

My suggestion would be, if you want a quest that shows up in the quest menu:
UODevPro by Gizmo is a great tool to utilize.

But how do I chain them together? Well that is both simple and a pain in the @$$.

Scripts you have to Edit:

Under Services/MondainsLegacyQuests

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Last time I remember there was a xml quest creator that let you create chained quest separate from mondain's chained quests, as that's dedicated towards the legacy quests.
Last time I remember there was a xml quest creator that let you create chained quest separate from mondain's chained quests, as that's dedicated towards the legacy quests.
The only issue with xml quest creator is that you can have some bugs that tie along with it. I.E. - If you create an item on xmlspawner and you use xml to create a quest, there is a HIGH chance that you will have players using the original item instead of the item that you created using xml spawner to complete a quest. This is a hard coding that will allow you to fix quests to work to ensure that your quests work the way you intended them to.