Hello, I'm fairly new to the UO scene, and I'm working on a server with a friend of mine. I was just wondering where might be the most effective advertisement spots once we got the server playable, and where we want it.
If this isn't the right place to ask, maybe point me in the right direction please.
There are a few places you can advertise,

You can use the various shard listing websites such as our own one https://www.servuo.com/shards/ and google will get you a few more of the popular ones.

You can advertise on reddit and there is a facebook group too. However, do not spam your advertisements, that is a sure fire way to become unpopular very quickly.
Agree with dmurphy-There are a few top spots which you can pay for- to keep your banner at the top for about a month from what I can remember-Top 1000- maybe google Ultimate Online Vote should find a few places- the Shard List here is free :)
Thanks for the response. I'm reluctant to post on reddit, because being a redditor, I know how the community can get sometimes.
I don't know how many of the "paid" listing sites are still being updated. A lot of the shards in their lists have been "dead" for years. A few of them I paid for advertising and never got it...just a heads up.