XRunUO is a server emulator of the MMORPG game Ultima Online, forked from the RunUO project, adding support for the Stygian Abyss expansion, written in C# and targeting the .NET Framework 4.0 and Mono.

XRunUO starts as a closed project developed and maintained by owners of the former Ultima Online free server UO Legends. The code was initially forked on late 2005 from RunUO RE, and over the years has received updates from newest versions SunUO, RunUO and other forks, as well as code from the community developed for these emulators and adapted for the codebase, plus tons of new features and patches from in-house development. Ten years later, in 2015, the code is finally released to the community, hoping that it will be useful for current and future developers of UO emulation scene.

The vision of XRunUO is creating an emulator that is 100% OSI accurate, while open to customization. XRunUO adds almost 100% support for the Stygian Abyss expansion, including the Gargoyle race, Ter Mur facet, Instanced Peerless system, Mini Champ system, new dungeons, new monsters and pets, Pit and Unliving champion spawns, Loyalty system, Tiered quests, Void invasion, new skills Mysticism, Throwing and Imbuing, and more.

Find the link to the code here: https://github.com/xrunuo/xrunuo

We are releasing this code because, now that our UO Legends journey is over, for us is a pity that this gets unreleased and unused for the eternity. Thus feel free to get the code, play it with, adapt it to your favorite fork of RunUO and even contribute, but if you do so, please give credit !!!! :) At the moment I have no serious plans of actively continue developing, but if someone is interested I can consider. It would be exciting to prepare for another Ultima Online expansion :)

Truly yours,

former UO Legends owner and Lead Developer
Looks very solid, a lot of work and care has obviously gone into this code. Thanks for sharing.
Cross Reference: http://www.runuo.com/community/threads/introducing-xrunuo.537923/

Presenting something like this can be confusing to people who don't already know what the current emulators each have to offer.

'New' emu code is good if it brings something new to the table. Many of the 'features' listed are already in servuo and other forks of runuo. Is there any documentation on what 'xrunuo' has that differs from other forks? For example you mention it has imbuing. Is that someone's imbuing script modified or did you and 'your team' write it from scratch?

Some useful information off the github page.

Old eras and backwards compatibility

In order to allow the development of new features and keep the codebase simple, all the code targeting expansions prior to ML has been removed, as well as the compatibility with old client versions. This prevents the possibility to create a shard targeting, for instance, a pre-AOS era.

The current code has only been tested in one live server and is not considered stable, thus its use in production shards is not yet recommended.

Upgrading from RunUO
Trying to convert world saves from other similar emulators to XRunUO is NOT recommended at all, given the substancial differences in the serialization algorithms of main entities. XRunUO is only recommended for fresh new shards.
I can tell you lots of features that are not in other emus or are poorly implemented or not OSI accurate. For example.
- Bard masteries
- Imbuing
- Mysticism
- Throwing
- Instanced peerless
- Mini champs
- Tomb of kings
- Void invasion
- Arisen invasion
- Vendor search
- All SA mobs
- SA special abilities
- Carpets
- Tiered quests
- Other SA quests
- Begging loot
- Stealable goodies
- Other OSI updates

All of these (and I am probably forgeting A LOT of features since I don't have changelogs, I can recover them for you if you want) is 100% in-house code. Other things like ML quest system is based on Malganis code, guild system is based un RunUO RE and so on. Hope that this answers your question and if you have more doubts don't hesitate in asking, and of course you can dig in the code by yourself ;)
Thanks for sharing! This emulator sounds very complete along with I'm sure many bug fixes!
Has anyone had any troubles with this server? I'm pretty interested in this, but I can't seem to find any administrative functions or any saving.
Dunno why I am having a hard time compiling this core in notepad on windows 10 does anyone have a copy of the .exe please
Dunno why I am having a hard time compiling this core in notepad on windows 10 does anyone have a copy of the .exe please

Never tried to compile the core on Windows 10, maybe you can share which errors you are getting or sth in order to provide help. Anyway there is a compiled core linked in the README file of the project, maybe you can use it.
Tasanar, you should check out Visual Studio Community Edition. It's free to use for non-enterprise and should make your compiling pretty straightforward, also a pretty nice editor for C#.


I'm beginning to suspect the issues I've been hitting might be a permission issue on my server. Can anyone verify for me if the typical ways to access administrative functions on XRunUO are the same you would usually see on RunUO/ServUO forks?
Two thumbs up ppardalj!

Quick question: When trying to set up our IP so we can test over our home network, if I set the XML to then I can login to the server that is running on my computer, but no one else can.
If I set it to my IP address for my computer, then others can login to the server but I cant...really confusing.
Any thoughts on how to correct this either through the x-ruo.xml or the ServerList.cs?(this is strictly LAN side.)
You assistance is appreciated.

Two thumbs up ppardalj!

Quick question: When trying to set up our IP so we can test over our home network, if I set the XML to then I can login to the server that is running on my computer, but no one else can.
If I set it to my IP address for my computer, then others can login to the server but I cant...really confusing.
Any thoughts on how to correct this either through the x-ruo.xml or the ServerList.cs?(this is strictly LAN side.)
You assistance is appreciated.


Hey Shazzy,

The current code does not provide support for such thing, sorry! :( If you want to you can fix it and create a pull request in github :)

Fuck i will try it but i get this xD and the muls are in the /Muls like the x-runuo.xml says
jotunserver@bastardosgrupo:~$ mono Server.exe
Cannot open assembly 'Server.exe': No such file or directory.
jotunserver@bastardosgrupo:~$ cd /home/jotunserver/xrunuo
jotunserver@bastardosgrupo:~/xrunuo$ mono Server.exe
X-RunUO Server - Version 0.18.0, Build 41100
Core: Running on OS Unix
Core: Running on Mono 4.0.30319.17020
Core: Optimizing for 4 processors
Core: Using GC Workstation Interactive mode
Libraries: Loaded binary library distro
Scripts: Library core verified: 6 items, 0 mobiles
Scripts: Library distro verified: 3854 items, 1022 mobiles
Scripts: All libraries verified: 3860 items, 1022 mobiles)
TileData.mul was not found
Make sure your x-runuo.xml is properly configured
After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate
System.Exception: TileData:  not found
  at Server.TileData.Configure () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Server.Core.Run () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Server.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
This exception is fatal, press return to exit

[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.Exception: TileData:  not found
  at Server.TileData.Configure () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Server.Core.Run () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Server.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0