1. Not calling anyone out or meaning to cause trouble, but I think it should be mentioned that when someone donates to you for a project, or any other thing it is common courtesy to at least say thank you.

    I'm sure others, like myself, don't have a lot of money and $20-30 to you may be nothing when to them it is a lot. I don't think asking for a simple "Hey thanks I got that donation" when you contributed to something you like a lot isn't much to ask for.

    It certainly affects any thought on contributing again.
"Agree!" But I do know that Insanity makes a point at the end of every month to Thank everyone who donated and also Lists all the names of those who helped.
If you donated last month and he has not as of yet created that list I'm sure he will. Because we all appreciate the support for ServUO, this certainly helps to keep the forums going- along with creating a Wiki. So I would also like send out Huge "Thank You" everyone who has helped to donate to ServUO
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Oh I'm not pointing fingers at all. I have donated to several projects lately and just noticed the trend. I felt I owed what I could since I use the projects or am helping with a new shard and could have definitely used that money elsewhere.

In no way did I mean anything bad by it, but in my own life I struggle for money and I know there are others out there that do as well and people tend to forget that in the whole UO community.
I just think a lot of greed has hit the freeshard community and it is sad to see what it is now compared to many years back.
Big 'Thank You' to all the donors we have. I also want to extend a 'Welcome' too as I know donating is your way of saying thanks yourself.
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Thanks. I should read over more when I post.. I wasn't taking a hit at servuo in general.. it is just home to me and I had noticed that problem on a few places where I donated money and or time. Hell one shard decided to take credit for everything lol.
I'm a rather active member so I wanted to take this chance to also give a Thank You to everyone who has donated towards the ServUO project and website. Doc I noticed you donated and while you may not expect gratitude. I just wanted to say thank you. I too am in a financial bind where I struggle to have extra money so I can understand it when you have to pick and choose what you want to do with any spare money. I know that the donations as of late have been going towards making the website much more functional overall for all users. Good things for XenForo are not generally free. So believe me when I say that your donations do make a difference.
Thank you!
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Yes does not matter if some one donates in order to gain an item, they should always receive a Thank You! We just wanted to reach out to be sure ServUO is not considered one of those "places" And I agree with your feelings so don't worry about us taking it as a ServUO problem :)
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Sorry to off topic.. I did mean to send you a thanks for that tutorial on centered Hank. Helped me realize a step I had missed lol. Thanks everyone for the kind words. I also think the users should remember to thank those that share their scripts and art. Many would have a dull shard without them.

    • Not calling anyone out or meaning to cause trouble, but I think it should be mentioned that when someone donates to you for a project, or any other thing it is common courtesy to at least say thank you.

      I'm sure others, like myself, don't have a lot of money and $20-30 to you may be nothing when to them it is a lot. I don't think asking for a simple "Hey thanks I got that donation" when you contributed to something you like a lot isn't much to ask for.

      It certainly affects any thought on contributing again.

I agree with most of this. Although I also believe a donor shouldn't feel the need to get anything in return. It's kinda the reason it's a donation. People do it to help out, and feel good. Not so much for credit.

However, I am forever thankful to everyone that has donated to ServUO over the past year or so. Without donations, none of this would of been possible. I've poured a lot of my own money into ServUO also. I do it to give back to the community and give the community a better place to call home.

To express how thankful we are for donations, I've been brainstorming on how to "give back" more to the people that can spare a few bucks to help keep ServUO online. I've been considering the idea of setting up "subscription" plans here on the forum. Which would basically allow users of the forum to gain access to bonus stuff on the site/forum. Such as lower limitations, new features, ect. Subscriptions would be setup so people could donate monthly, plus they'd be set as a proper donor if they use the donation widget too. If/when I put this into action.

EVERYONE that has previously donated to the ServUO site and project, will be compensated with donor privileges. I also plan on making it possible for active members of the community to gain these bonus features without having to donate to ServUO, in order to make it fair for everyone.

With all of this said, thanks a bunch @Doc for donating $30. That almost covers a whole month of site hosting alone, which will be a major help.
I can't agree with this more as I've been on both ends of it.
Having ran a server many years ago - It was always a great help receiving donations, it tended to put a bit of wind behind me - Not because I was running a server for financial gain but because it was the act of appreciation from some one and would always try to say thank you whenever I could and even continued to run it for 4 months with just the 2-3 players online that wanted to stick around.

I've also donated to servers in the past as a thank you to the owner for all the work that have then dropped off the radar all together and you feel like "what's the point?" afterwards. That situation has happened to me twice a few years ago and since then I don't think I've donated to project since - With the exception of today.

I guess it's just one of those things in life :/
I don't consider a thank you a "credit" or getting something in return. It is common courtesy where I live. For me $30 is a lot of money due to my situation, but I've used servuo a long time and thought I'd give a little back.