Exale submitted a new resource:

Login Broadcast - Announces to everyone when a new player has logged in or out.

This is another script I have had for years and really like. Players love to know when there friends pop on. I thought I would share it because it does indeed work on RunUO, ServUO and JustUO and hasn't been posted in many ages on either of the websites. The following is the information in the header.

# Login/Logout/New Player Broadcast
# * Author: mordero
# * Email: [email protected]
# * Description: Will broadcast to current online players when someone has logged in/out. If...

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could easily wrap player death into that too

turn it into an xmlattachment and you could give players the option to enable/disable login/logout/death messages as well
That's a good idea for players to be able to enable or disable this. I haven't played with XML Attachments before. I'll have to look into that.