
zerodowned submitted a new resource:

Mobile Statues - Statue that comes to life and attacks

Credit to Talow for the idea and helping me with the script.
Note: Talow also provided me with a Base script to use for this and I just haven't gotten around to editing everything yet.

What is it?
A mobile on a platform with frozen animation to look like a statue.
If you come within 1 tile it awakens and attacks you.
If you run 15+ tiles away it goes back to it's platform and freezes again.

Will not trigger with Staff, only Players....

Read more about this resource...
That's pretty awesome. Will do very well in an upcoming dungeon I am planning. :) Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this... I've actually been planning on trying this for one of my dungeons, and now it'll be much less work
About 95% done.
Reworked the original gump and added some extras to support the Freeze Frame option.
Also making some other minor changes to make it more user-friendly.
Probably won't have time to finish it tomorrow but should be able to over the weekend with the base statue mobile to follow soon after (hopefully)

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