
So normally you can move a classic guild stone by clicking on the gump and a ball goes into your pack and you can move it anywhere with that.

Problem I am running into is it is saying "Only one guildstone may reside in a given house"

I found the GuildDeed.cs which I think is the culprit not exactly sure what i would change to over ride that error.

using System;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Prompts;

namespace Server.Items
    public class GuildDeed : Item
        public GuildDeed()
            : base(0x14F0)
            this.Weight = 1.0;

        public GuildDeed(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override int LabelNumber
                return 1041055;
        }// a guild deed
        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write((int)0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            if (this.Weight == 0.0)
                this.Weight = 1.0;

        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (Guild.NewGuildSystem)

            if (!this.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
            else if (from.Guild != null)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501137); // You must resign from your current guild before founding another!
                BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(from);

                if (house == null)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501138); // You can only place a guildstone in a house.
                else if (house.FindGuildstone() != null)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501142);//Only one guildstone may reside in a given house.
                else if (!house.IsOwner(from))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501141); // You can only place a guildstone in a house you own!
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1013060); // Enter new guild name (40 characters max):
                    from.Prompt = new InternalPrompt(this);

        private class InternalPrompt : Prompt
            private readonly GuildDeed m_Deed;
            public InternalPrompt(GuildDeed deed)
                this.m_Deed = deed;

            public override void OnResponse(Mobile from, string text)
                if (this.m_Deed.Deleted)

                if (!this.m_Deed.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
                else if (from.Guild != null)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(501137); // You must resign from your current guild before founding another!
                    BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(from);

                    if (house == null)
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501138); // You can only place a guildstone in a house.
                    else if (house.FindGuildstone() != null)
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501142);//Only one guildstone may reside in a given house.
                    else if (!house.IsOwner(from))
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501141); // You can only place a guildstone in a house you own!

                        if (text.Length > 40)
                            text = text.Substring(0, 40);

                        Guild guild = new Guild(from, text, "none");

                        from.Guild = guild;
                        from.GuildTitle = "Guildmaster";

                        Guildstone stone = new Guildstone(guild);

                        stone.MoveToWorld(from.Location, from.Map);

                        guild.Guildstone = stone;

            public override void OnCancel(Mobile from)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(501145); // Placement of guildstone cancelled.
You should be getting the teleport stone. So the culprit would be GuildTeleporter.cs
change this
else if (house.FindGuildstone() != null)

to this and you can move it in the same house without having to use a seperate house
else if (house.FindGuildstone() != null && !stone.Equals(house.FindGuildstone()))
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