
manofwar submitted a new resource:

New Tree Art X-Large to UO-size - new tree art.

These trees are from UO pixel which i made into one file and a few new one's I made myself. I edited all of them so no they will not be exact as UO-Pixels if I remember correct. Also UO- Pixel had his as 4 -40 pixel slices and mine are as follows. L = 264x497 M = 198x359 S =132x240. So with the large ones i would play around with your muls and see if you like them first before just adding them to a shard, they are very large trees in game and when walking behind and they do the see through it...

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I'm not familiar with UO but I would like to insert your trees in a home shard and I don't know how to do it, please could you explain me in a simple way how to insert them in a mul file?

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