
Milva submitted a new resource:

Quest for beginner equipment(Human) - Quest, Beginner Equipment

This quest contains pretty basic starting armor all blessed
All pieces of armor plus a shield and weapon, bracelet, earrings and ring
There is also a text file which explains this quest and how to set this up
***The LetterofApprenticeship should be added in charactercreation-this way it is in their pack when they start
their new char.
You can set her blessed in her script( Brianna )- we had the mobs in a closed area with her outside, so the mobs were never
able to get near her.

Read more about this resource...
Open the file for Brianna.cs
Look at all the creatures which spawn in this location 6039, 359, 44 ), this.Map );
Just change all these cords to the location which you want them to spawn
While in this script you might also go ahead and add this-Invul has not worked in a very long time
Blessed = true;
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