
I have a few questions about the ServUO SVN:

1) Does ServUO include the Malganis' ML code?

2) Is ServUO kept updated with code mods/improvements from the main RUO SVN?

3) Any HS content in ServUO yet?

4) Who is on the ServUO development team?

5) Does ServUO include Voxpire's VitaNex core?


- HR
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I'm sure others will post also but

ServUO does contain all of the ML Content
Correct ServUO is kept updated with Runuo
No HS Content as of yet :)
Have not seen VitaNex core in ServUO
But Voxpire has updated it to work along with ServUO
Most active developer's are
Thanks Milva! Oh and one more question, I am assuming that ServUO has the basics of SA implemented (i.e. Gargoyle race) correct?

Correct Gargoyle race does work and as it should :)
Might check bug reports or wait for ServUO update there was one bug report
listed not to long ago. Forgot to add the gargoyle armor/weapons etc are also in the crafting
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Another ServUO question...

Is the ServUO repository being kept current with fiffo's XMLSpawner updates? I just did a kwik compare and it seems not, but wanted to ask if there was any effort to do so.

It is not, but I did it on my shard and it was fairly plug and play. Only thing I had to do was add back in the support of the Termur map. I get back home tomorrow and I can post what I did.
Looks like I changed xmlattach.cs and xmlfind.cs only.

Easier to give you the changed files then write out the changes but it was mainly adding the termur map and changing the TimeDates to Core.Tickcount. You can do a compare to see the changes from the original.


  • XmlAttach.cs
    66.8 KB · Views: 7
  • XmlFind.cs
    69.3 KB · Views: 4
1) Does ServUO include the Malganis' ML code?

Yes it does, although the RunUO team finished their own ML quest system that will eventually replace Malgains' quest system (it has a few known design flaws.)

2) Is ServUO kept updated with code mods/improvements from the main RUO SVN?

Yes, we do our best to merge in updates from the actual runuo.com svn, plus changes from Mark's new runuo git repo.

3) Any HS content in ServUO yet?

Not really much atm, although if someone is willing to donate an official UO account to the team we can see about trying to get some of the newer content added. Although the focus isn't really on HS atm.

4) Who is on the ServUO development team?

The "team" isn't exactly a team like RunUO's. It's a group of people that you've probably seen throughout the UO community for years. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the project. Even people not on the development team can contribute by submitting pull requests via Github. But a basic list of the team can be seen by clicking this: @[USERGROUP=13]ServUO Developer[/USERGROUP]

5) Does ServUO include Voxpire's VitaNex core?

Not out of the box, it is however compatible with it (drag and drop, no tweaked needed at all.) There have been talks about adding it to the official release, just disabled at first. So stay tuned on this.

Is the ServUO repository being kept current with fiffo's XMLSpawner updates? I just did a kwik compare and it seems not, but wanted to ask if there was any effort to do so.

No, it isn't. However this is something I was looking over the other day and actually plan on starting to update the version of XMLSpawner that ServUO uses with his added fixes, among other fixes/improvements to the entire system.

ServUO is a community driven project. The forum and project exists only because of the community. We're open to changes/improvements/and new members if you think you have the time and skill to contribute. Soon we'll be turning on the Wiki here at ServUO, which will be open to edits from any verified member of the forum. We're trying to make it a true community site and project, so it'll be here for many more years to come.

PS: That new forum quote feature sure as hell comes in handy. =D
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Thanks again for answering all these questions! I am looking at using ServUO as the base to merge my shard code into. Nice to see this project thriving. :)
I've actually recently re-written almost every line of code to do with XMLSpawner2 - all 50,000+ lines or so brought up to standard, XMLAttachment bug fixes and some additions.
I'll see if it's compatible with ServUO directly and replace the current version with it after testing.
It is now fully .NET 4.0 standards compliant, all instances of primitive Array/ArrayList usages have been converted to their generic Enumerable/Enumerable<T> counter-parts.
Most references determined as "object" have been converted to "IEntity" - because they're either a Mobile or Item in use-cases.
Reduction of looping iterations where no longer necessaryand reduction of nesting in code syntax to improve readability, too.

I had to use some VNc features (by habit) but I'll replace them with native equivalents for the update if I can manage it.

On further looking into the new XMLspawner release from fwiffo, I found that the edits I told you about will get it working. HOWEVER, I recently noticed that fwiffo did not make the changes to DateTime to reflect the preferred DateTime.UtcNow.

So, while the new release of XMLspawner will work with ServUO, you may see some inconsistencies with the way time is handled. I would recommend waiting for @Voxpire changes to be release or merged into ServUO.

We could go thru and fix them all to DateTime.UtcNow, but it seems fruitless when Voxpire has probably already addressed this and other things.

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