Exale submitted a new resource:

Simple Paintball System - Simple Paintball Event (no distro edits)

This is a very simple and awesome paintball event system originally developed by someone that helped me a ton back in the day on RunUO. Lord Greywolf. Here is his write-up on how to use it based off the original post:

Greywolf's Simple Paintball System 2.0 (maybe 1.0)

the Simple steps to follow:
1) Set up your arena
2) Strongly suggest you use regions in a box and set up a region for it
otherwise edit the regions.xml file and add your region in.
If you do not do this. you will have to...

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This is an extra file I created for staff members to use (GMs and up). It's a command [eventcleanup that will delete all traces of the paintball equipment from the world. Even if the player is logged out. I like to add event items to this script to help keep players trying to sneak things away even if they are useless. lol.


  • Event Cleanup.cs
    1.1 KB · Views: 5
Exale updated Simple Paintball System with a new update entry:

Changes to Paintball System

Couple changes worth mentioning.

- Changed the hair on the Bots to the new code so there will no longer be conversions on compile.
- My EventCleanup command is now included in the package.
- My [eventcleanup command now also deletes the BOTs.
- The paintball guns now use Forensic Evaluation as there base skill.
- The painball guns give you a +100 bonus to Forensic Evaluation when equipped. These changes are so that everyone is on a level playing field in the event. I took the most useless...

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