
zerodowned submitted a new resource:

Spell Bar - All-In-One Magic Hotbar

This is stable and functional, but missing a lot of planned improvements. I'm submitting for people to try out and report any problems or make suggestions for improvements

What is it

A spell hot bar system similar to Djeryv: Spell toolbars. [ Link: ]
I used his script as a base but expanded it to include all 7 types of magic: magery, necro, chiv, bushido, ninjitsu, spellweaving, and...

Read more about this resource...
This is a great tool however nothing opens up except for the Magery spells show in the spellbar, none of the other ones work maybe its just me.
This is a great tool however nothing opens up except for the Magery spells show in the spellbar, none of the other ones work maybe its just me.

Interesting, what Expansion are you using?
If you're not sure where to find it, Scripts > Misc > CurrentExpansion.CS
Should be on Line 15

#region Header
// **********
// ServUO - CurrentExpansion.cs
// **********

#region References
using Server.Network;

namespace Server
	public class CurrentExpansion
		private static readonly Expansion Expansion = Expansion.HS;

Check that and let me know what it says
I should also mention that it will allow you to add any spell to the hotbar, but you won't be able to cast the spell unless you have the correct book with the correct spell in your backpack.
This is a great tool however nothing opens up except for the Magery spells show in the spellbar, none of the other ones work maybe its just me.

Problem confirmed. I downloaded a fresh copy of ServUO, Pub 54.
Thank you Nytewyrm!

Issue seems to happen at the beginning of Bushido. Will take a look at it as soon as possible.

*Edit: Chivalry spell icons weren't going to the spell hotbar because I didn't have a Chivalry spellbook in my backpack. Which is intentional.
But despite having a full Bushido book in my backpack, bushido spells weren't working correctly.
This is a great tool however nothing opens up except for the Magery spells show in the spellbar, none of the other ones work maybe its just me.

All spells now working, just make sure you have the book with the spell you're trying to add in your backpack.
Future release won't allow you to select spell unless it's in your backpack.
Works amazing man thank you!
:) glad you like it

And i have some idea :p Can you convert this toolbar for support ACC all spell system ?
lol, i was waiting for someone to ask about ACC. this code is written with customization in mind. once I get a few features working and added that I want to include then i'll address that.
the only "problem" i can see regarding ACC is that it doesn't have the spell icons. so I'd have to make buttons with labels but the buttons would be fairly small.

I am planning on releasing a version that includes Bard of Masteries, but not right now since some people may not have that system and I want as many people as possible to be able to try it out
Any chance a system for customizing how many columns/rows you can have might be in the future for this script? If you have 25 spells you want to add to this bar - for whatever reason, it makes it pretty difficult to see them all when half of them are off screen. =)

Other than that, I love this script so far. It's absolutely amazing!
If you have 25 spells you want to add to this bar - for whatever reason, it makes it pretty difficult to see them all when half of them are off screen. =)
Actually I use resolution 1680 x 1050,. so i can have ~32 spell icons in a row and see them all. I keep my spell icons in the black area outside the game window. So if players could customize the number of icons in a rows and the number of rows this could be pretty damn epic in the sense that it will keep things clean looking.

@zerodowned Another feature I'd like to see is multiple spell bars,. I'd like to have one on the top or bottom of my screen going horizontal and one on the left or right side going vertical.
Any chance a system for customizing how many columns/rows you can have might be in the future for this script? If you have 25 spells you want to add to this bar - for whatever reason, it makes it pretty difficult to see them all when half of them are off screen. =) Other than that, I love this script so far. It's absolutely amazing!

That is a feature that I'd like to add in the future, but I'm not sure how I'd do that. Looking a Joeku's Toolbar as a's beyond my understanding at the moment. Maybe once I spend more time looking it over. I can't think of any other script that does something similar.

Actually I use resolution 1680 x 1050,. so i can have ~32 spell icons in a row and see them all. I keep my spell icons in the black area outside the game window. So if players could customize the number of icons in a rows and the number of rows this could be pretty damn epic in the sense that it will keep things clean looking.

@zerodowned Another feature I'd like to see is multiple spell bars,. I'd like to have one on the top or bottom of my screen going horizontal and one on the left or right side going vertical.

A second spell bar would be pretty easy, I've done it during testing.
Second and third rows if icons should be easy too. But making it customizable...meh
Working on the option to flip the spell bar to make it vertical. :)
Maybe have a simple overflow option and a means to trigger it? So if X amount of spells are reached, it will fall into the next predetermined row?
Maybe have a simple overflow option and a means to trigger it? So if X amount of spells are reached, it will fall into the next predetermined row?

I'm checking the X position of the "button" and if it's > than setamount, it changes the Y position to slide it into the next row.
Which I have working after a fairly big rewrite, but now I'm having a problem with getting a third row to work if I remember correctly you can't use && on an int for something like
if ( x + xoffset >= amount && y + yoffset >= amount ) { }

although a third row probably isn't neccesary for most people, i feel like three rows will/should be the "max" for the moment.

I also have the ability to flip the bar between vertical/horizontal working and serialized so it saves the user's settings.
That's great! That instantly makes it more enjoyable for people like me, I usually don't ever have more than maybe 10 spells up anyways. Just usually a handful of spells I use JUST often enough to not want to dig for them in my book but not often enough to assign a hotkey on the keyboard for. =)

By the way, have you updated the download to reflect these changes yet? I don't see any means to alter direction on the spellbar.
By the way, have you updated the download to reflect these changes yet? I don't see any means to alter direction on the spellbar.

Not yet. Sorry for the delay. Wanting to include the rows and direction switch both on the next release. As well as a minize and lock option - both of which should be fairly easy to include.
Hoping to have everything updated and released by the end of the week. :)
:DYAY!! ServUO is back online!

Since my last post I've made some pretty big improvements to Spellbar. They're not completely finished, but hopefully by the end of the weekend.

Working on adding/finishing:
- Customizable size: there are four options for how many rows and columns you want to have
- Reset button: resets all spells chosen in case you want to start over
- Spell selection count on main bar: just a read out that tells you how many spells you've chosen
- "Restricted selection"...sounds bad but basically just limits how many spells you can choose based on the column/row size chosen. Which prevents on spell icons overlapping or creating a "tail"
yes, absolutely!
just give a player a spellbarscroll.
any future changes will likely be to just the gump and not to the scroll item that stores all the settings.
Keep up the great work zerodowned the regular and consistent updates are awesome! Love what you've done so far.
i ned the spellbar for acc spells
:p and still w8 for some help with that:p

lol, now that i've got the base script where I want it, i should be able to make a separate script for just ACC hotbar. the standard spell icon is 45x45 and that just isn't going to be big enough to insert a label. so i'd have to make a tiled image button and make it bigger, 50x50 might work.
How can I get the Scroll ?
Just Owner level or Admin level should be done?
as like "[add spellbarscroll"

Woke the SpellBarScroll.cs
It is together that they belong to the Item in Add command,
Not belong to any category,
Just in case you want no matter at the uncategorized item,
leaving, but come, suffer suffer while somehow snag...
I pull out the odds.
Too difficult.

However, i think it's definitely a good script.
Thank you.
Is horizontal locking misbehaving for anyone else? When I lock the toolbar down in horizontal mode it deletes all the icons. :-/
Okay, figured out the problem. In SpellBarGump, on line 2442 you'll see

       if ( m_Scroll.mSwitch == 0 )
         dbx = 50; dbxa = 45; dby = 5; dbya = 0;

Those numbers are old and causing the problem. so change it to

       if ( m_Scroll.mSwitch == 0 )
         //dbx = 50; dbxa = 45; dby = 5; dbya = 0;
         dbx = 67; dbxa = 45; dby = 5; dbya = 0;