
Hail! It's been a long time since I have been in this realm...first entering the realm and aiding Lord British in defeating the vile Exodus, entering the beautiful lands of UO (and departing when the Ninjas came to town and when EA turned the land to poo), UOX, Sphere, RUNUO and now here...It's been a long, exciting journey.

I created a custom server called SphereServer (which ran well, Spehere...then RunUO), survived a cataclysmic upheaval with the people and developed The Black Gate server where I specialized in reproducing the real world in game with authentic AI (first using NPC waypoints, times NPCs who carried out routines based on the rime of day, realistic weather, time, player effects (cold, hunger, sickness, etc)....I am sure you understand what I was striving for.

Ah but then life beckoned me back, career, family, children...always some new "out of game" challenge to occupy my time. Only recently was I disappointed to see development "appear" to cease with the RunUO team...not much updating going on so it seems. I was OVERJOYED both at finding ServUO and seeing how it not only appears to be flourishing but how it is moving forward to mirror development with the new client/updates of UO as well as seeing only familiar, names from my previous lifetime (Ronin, Voxpire, etc...)

Maybe it was a bit of nostalgia or perhaps my 6 year old has fallen in love with RP games and was mesmerized when he first saw my old UO server come to life, that leads me here to introduce myself.

I just wanted to say hello...maybe run into a few old friends...make some new...and see what has taken place in my absence. I have archives of past scripts dating back to Sphere through RunUO 2.1 and would be happy to share to your knowledge base. I also designed complete overworld custom MSF spawn files for my custom shards...and if people need spawn files...I can share these as well. (I fired up my server and currently I have over 190k mobs all traveling my facets.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello...feel free to write me a message....I will reply (bad spelingzs and all)


Formerly Osiris of Atlantic, UO
Formerly Shard Admin Adam of SerpentSphere and The Black Gate
Note sure if the problem is on my end but I am seeing a lot of "Downloads Not Available" or You can access...etc...type messages.

I was trying to upload a few simple scripts to the Archive...doesn't seem like I can. Is that where new scripts are uploaded or only admin approved scripts?

You should be golden on uploading/downloading resources now. All users must have at least 1 approved post here on the forum before they can do any real damage.

On a side note, welcome back to the community. It's always nice seeing old vets come back. UO is like some kind of horrible flu. You may be able to shake the symptoms for a while, but they always come back at some point or another.
Raven welcome to ServUO :) I must say your server was very custom especially with NPCs who carried out routines based on the rime of day!
Most all are always looking for new idea's and scripts so feel free at any time to post any which you would like to share. And of course if at any time you have any questions, just ask :)
Thanks for the welcome!

Yes, it was such a challenge to try to make the server mirror real life environments. I remember we were working on a pathfinding script for NPCs there (I think) was based on the xml spawner...I will have to see if I have that code available still. I also have a script somwhere that will rip out all the static lampposts in the towns and replace them with timed lamposts that will light/extinguish on sunrise and sunset.

I really think of all the things we did (as well as all of the other emulator servers out there) that seemed to "find their way" into Ultima Online. I always joked that every one in the RunUO community was a developer for EA.

I'll start to fish out some goodies this week to post here.

welcome raven...
it is a great pleasure to have a vet to show us new or short timers a thing or two... the community grows in a great way/

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