
Legnes submitted a new resource:

UOFiddler 4.9.12 (for animation creators) - Convenient version for creating your own animation

Version 4.9.12 (for animation creators)
- Added man body to fix item animation
- Fixed export of standard animation (bmp/tiff)
View attachment 20330

Version 4.9.12
- Added search items on Dress tab.

Version 4.9.11
- Added "Show Free Slots" option to Land Tiles tab.
- Added "Show Free Slots" option to Textures tab.

Version 4.9.10
- Send item plug-in should now register itself only once and not twice.
- Send item to client plug-in should work with ClassicUO (thanks to Xuri)...

Read more about this resource...
hello there is an exception error when tried to start.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Resources.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

   at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean reflectionOnly, StackCrawlMarkHandle stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean loadTypeFromPartialName, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
   at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean reflectionOnly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean loadTypeFromPartialName)
   at System.Type.GetType(String typeName, Boolean throwOnError)
   at System.Resources.ManifestBasedResourceGroveler.CreateResourceSet(Stream store, Assembly assembly)
   at System.Resources.ManifestBasedResourceGroveler.GrovelForResourceSet(CultureInfo culture, Dictionary`2 localResourceSets, Boolean tryParents, Boolean createIfNotExists, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
   at System.Resources.ResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo requestedCulture, Boolean createIfNotExists, Boolean tryParents, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
   at System.Resources.ResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo culture, Boolean createIfNotExists, Boolean tryParents)
   at System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(String name, CultureInfo culture, Boolean wrapUnmanagedMemStream)
   at UoFiddler.Controls.UserControls.HuesControl.InitializeComponent()
   at UoFiddler.Controls.UserControls.HuesControl..ctor()
   at UoFiddler.Forms.MainForm.InitializeComponent()
   at UoFiddler.Forms.MainForm..ctor()
   at UoFiddler.FiddlerAppContext..ctor(ILogger logger)
   at UoFiddler.Program.Main()
now its working man. but man body addition for player equip its crashing like this when try to show man body it's not coming on screen and try to change frame fiddler is crashing like i said.

anyway i'm gonna try then report you back about new assets.

thanks for good work.
Be careful, this version of fiddler is close source and not part of the official repository.
Would like for some other (more experienced) programmers types to comment on this statement. Should I be concerned with this or not? (Already am now!) It does seem extremely counterintuitive for this to be Closed source. (*Stares suspiciously at Legnes*)

This sucks cause I just came to this thread to ask what the heck the Animationlist.xml file is all about...

It's closed source cause probably the creator doesn't want to share his effort with others, if not the complete result. Understandable from some points of view, nothing strange there.

For the Animationlist.xml, it's to save a list of your animations so that Fiddlers has them in the main list (on the left). You can see that's mentioned here: How to see animations in anim > 1 ? -
Thanks for the response. (Seriously!) But that just makes it seem even more counter intuitive to me. I mean, I'm not a real programmer myself. (Certified Advanced Script Kiddie (CASK)) (LOL, I just made that up) But I have worked with multitudes of programmers in dozens of scenarios over the years (Both professional and Open Source Projects) and the concept of Open vs. Closed was based 'how' you intended your code to be used when presented to the intended user base. I mean, this isn't so much my opinion on the matter here, but what I was told (taught) by by all you Wizards of the Scripting ways. Closed source software means one of 3 things...

1) You intend to sell it
2) Its proprietary (I.e. Sharing the code would comprise the IP or Security of the software.)
3) You're hiding something...

Now, that being said. I REALLY did NOT come here to start a pissing match over how some dude handles his code, More power to you if you want to keep your accomplishments close to your chest. I REALLY did come here trying to figure out what the bloody (SAILOR WORD) (hehe) the Animationlist.xml is all about. The polserver site I have have been to before for sure. (I recall the retro look of it.) And just reading a little bit there I think is enough for me to concluded (No matter what version of UOFiddler I use) that Animationlist.xml isn't my issue. I KNOW I have worked with this file before following other tutorials and it seems to be more related the Mobile Animations (Like critters and the clothes we wear in the game) Me... My issue is an Animated object.... I am so close. *Insert Epic Sigh here* I have gotten UOFIDDLER to add new creatures (Even rid-able ridable @#$% Even Horses!), tons of new static items, I even got so bold as to change the Map with it once! (I hated it and changed it back within a few hours but...) Yet... a simple animated object still eludes me. Get this, I even managed to make a Candle like object that turns On and Off like it is supposed to, but the flame is frozen in time when its on. (I was so proud of that, that it hangs in a place of honor inside my luxurious UO Abode.) I am so so so very close to figuring it out that its become obsessive. (I'm sure I'm not alone there.) Anyway, I am kinda determine to figure this out *cough* 'On my own' (My CASK certification is just me borrowing all your code anyway.) *whistles innocently*
I will have that burning Candle thingy, One such that the Flame is NOT frozen in time. one day... It will be mine.... oh yes... *Deep sinister voice*

It... Will... Be... Mine...


So I was proof reading my post here before I hit 'The button' and it occurred to me.... My God... I do tend to ramble on... don't I. *sigh* I feel a bit foolish for resurrecting what seems to be a dead thread. But looking back over the Older messages, I think what got me going here is that this Pumpkins fellow seemed to interject in the middle of an active conversation with something akin to an accusation.... And then, *queue crickets* Nothing. I mean, even Legnes even didn't say anything...

~The thread went silent.... with nothing but the echoed sound of water dripping somewhere out of the darkness.... "Be warned....." said the writings etched deeply into the wall.... "Be warned"~

I'll just stick to Fiddler 4.8 for now, I kinda like the concept of Peer Reviewed Software and all that nonsense you Congerers of Code taught me over the years. Besides, The updates and bug fixes Legnes has going here isn't the crux of my issue.

~There was some quintessential clue that I have missed in my quest.... Perhaps it was that Shady Code dealer in Skara Brea that sold me the ancient tome of Coding Titled, "Pascal for Dummies"~

(That was a joke for all you old school coders! LoLz)

~...But no one laughed at his Blythe attempt at humor... The thread; Once again, went silent .... with nothing but the echoed sound of water dripping somewhere out of the darkness.... "Be warned..…" whispered the darkness. "Be warned..…"~
1) You intend to sell it
2) Its proprietary (I.e. Sharing the code would comprise the IP or Security of the software.)
3) You're hiding something...
You do ramble on, and in the most uncomfortable way to.

Your 3 bullet points of generalized human behavior wasn't necessary here. There are a bunch of other reasons that something could be closed source.

- A developer is new to making software and perhaps is reluctant to let others see how they code because of pride issues.
- One could want to keep control of the software because it is a way that makes them special on the web or in the community.
- Someone could just not want to share anything they work on because they just don't feel like it.

People that post the good old "you're hiding something" attack on closed source is just that, an attack on character. Pretty much a "show us the code or you will be labeled a villain". This community is chocked full of people that share, and those that don't. How many shards have just been wiped out of existence when the shard owners could have given us the code when they quit? Well, maybe they think they will fire it up one day. Maybe they were just pissed off at the community. So how about we keep the closed-source bashing to a minimum. If closed-source stuff bothers you so much, maybe just don't use it and quietly move onto other things. Otherwise you come off as somehow being entitled.
Spectre... Dude... Chilll....
You do realize your reply actually re-enforces the bullet points more than counters them. I clearly stated, "...this isn't so much my opinion on the matter here, but what I was told (taught) by by all you..." And you reply with "People that post the good old "you're hiding something" attack on closed source is just that, an attack on character. Pretty much a "show us the code or you will be labeled a villain". I mean, Your response is literally reiterating the exact same sentiment. Is it not? (that's a rhetorical question, meaning everyone already knows the answer. So you don't have to answer.) If you would have actually read through the entire post, you would have noted I was more mocking Pumpkins very obvious statement of accusation. ~"Be warned..…"~ And clearly not attacking Legnes. Hell I thought my "uncomfortable rambling" would come across as funny. I mean, come on. ~...But no one laughed at his Blythe attempt at humor...~

Bro, Pumpkins attacked Legnes, not me. I commented on this thread explicitly because of how it stopped almost mid-sentence with Pumkins Blatant accusation. If you would have read the whole thing, you probably would have realized that. Seriously dude. Chill.
Couldn’t stand reading your entire post because it was all over the place like you fell out of a pickup truck and hit your head.
Ya, I do come across as 'Rambling uncomfortably' to the slower witted. No harm done mate. I got a good laugh at your expense out of it. :cool:

...And now back to our previously scheduled silence...