
iam askiing myself what VirtualArmor = 60 means?
is this somekind of a shield? what does this value mean?

(talking about a monster.cs,)
As far as I remember virtual armor is used for pre aos servers. Instead of giving monsters elemental resistances you would give it a singular armor value that would essentially set the difficulty of the monster.
Was kinda wondering this myself so this was helpful. I just figured it was some sort of flat damage reduction value, though I was unsure of the actual arithmetic behind it. If it was used pre-aos does that mean that it checks Core.AOS when calculating virtual armor into damage? Otherwise it'd essentially be additional damage reduction on top of resistances for AOS+ servers. I seem to recall some newer mobs having virtual armor on them, but I can't think of any specific ones off the top of my head.

Edit: Just found an example, a SA boss Navrey has VirtualArmor. I'm quite sure there's others.
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Looking at the AbsorbDamage method in BaseWeapon.cs we can see that virtualarmor is only taken into account on a pre aos server. If the core is set to AOS or higher it will fall back to another method that takes into account aos properties.

public virtual int AbsorbDamage(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage)
			if (Core.AOS)
				return AbsorbDamageAOS(attacker, defender, damage);

			BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded) as BaseShield;
			if (shield != null)
				damage = shield.OnHit(this, damage);

			double chance = Utility.RandomDouble();

			Item armorItem;

			if (chance < 0.07)
				armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
			else if (chance < 0.14)
				armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
			else if (chance < 0.28)
				armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
			else if (chance < 0.43)
				armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
			else if (chance < 0.65)
				armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
				armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;

			IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;

			if (armor != null)
				damage = armor.OnHit(this, damage);

			int virtualArmor = defender.VirtualArmor + defender.VirtualArmorMod;

			damage -= XmlAttach.OnArmorHit(attacker, defender, armorItem, this, damage);
			damage -= XmlAttach.OnArmorHit(attacker, defender, shield, this, damage);

			if (virtualArmor > 0)
				double scalar;

				if (chance < 0.14)
					scalar = 0.07;
				else if (chance < 0.28)
					scalar = 0.14;
				else if (chance < 0.43)
					scalar = 0.15;
				else if (chance < 0.65)
					scalar = 0.22;
					scalar = 0.35;

				int from = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar) / 2;
				int to = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar);

				damage -= Utility.Random(from, (to - from) + 1);

			return damage;
Awesome. I'm sure I could have looked that up myself but I'm pretty mentally exhausted from my stats exam studying, so I thank you sir :)