
Aside from the 200-something warnings generated by ServUO when installing VNc, here are 20 fatal compile errors that prevent users from using VNc with ServUO 51.

I have asked about the changes to the gumps previously, over a month ago, now while I understand that people have lives and are busy, it would be nice to get an opinion on this, because there's no way I'm going to re-write 1000 lines of code to compensate for these changes...

So the questions remain;

Is ServUO going to go back to being user-friendly? -While I realise hard work has been put in to the software, I believe the goal of making things easier for end users has slipped away somewhat...

There are a lot of people using ServUO now, and a good proportion of those users want to use VNc, or have used VNc prior to ServUO 51 and ended up reverting back to stock RunUO in order to support it.

I've simply had enough of support requests flooding my inbox to do with ServUO's and more-so because I feel that this issue has been brushed aside as unimportant, when in actual fact, it's depriving many shard owners of accessing advanced features that do not normally come with ServUO or RunUO.

I understand that it is not the responsibility of the ServUO team to cater for VNc and vice-versa, but I was told this;

Any changes to the Gump framework have and will be done in ways that all legacy gumps will work as they always have. We're only expanding on things, not rewriting the whole thing. So nothing to worry about here.

Are you *sure* you are "expanding" on things? -All of these issues arise from "rewriting" portions of code to the point where they become incompatible, I've downloaded a copy of ServUO and merged VNc in to it to see the gory details.

If you don't want to revert changes, or make any attempt to keep the code compatible without changing the API, then could you at least consider a preprocessor directive that lets us third-party developers know when our software is being run in the ServUO environment? -A simple #ServUO would suffice, then I'll be happy to re-write my own code to support your new changes, by using preprocessor conditions, for the benefit of anyone who wants to use ServUO and VNc together.

Error 203 'Server.Gumps.GumpButton' does not contain a definition for 'ButtonID' and no extension method 'ButtonID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpButton' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump_Buttons.cs 82 58 Scripts
Error 204 'Server.Gumps.GumpButton' does not contain a definition for 'ButtonID' and no extension method 'ButtonID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpButton' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump_Buttons.cs 82 77 Scripts
Error 208 'Server.Gumps.GumpButton' does not contain a definition for 'ButtonID' and no extension method 'ButtonID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpButton' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump_Buttons.cs 106 56 Scripts
Error 220 'Server.Gumps.GumpButton' does not contain a definition for 'ButtonID' and no extension method 'ButtonID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpButton' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\GML\GmlWriter.cs 304 31 Scripts
Error 206 'Server.Gumps.GumpCheck' does not contain a definition for 'SwitchID' and no extension method 'SwitchID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpCheck' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump_Switches.cs 87 55 Scripts
Error 222 'Server.Gumps.GumpCheck' does not contain a definition for 'SwitchID' and no extension method 'SwitchID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpCheck' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\GML\GmlWriter.cs 318 31 Scripts
Error 224 'Server.Gumps.GumpCheck' does not contain a definition for 'SwitchID' and no extension method 'SwitchID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpCheck' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump.cs 762 65 Scripts
Error 211 'Server.Gumps.GumpImageTileButton' does not contain a definition for 'ButtonID' and no extension method 'ButtonID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpImageTileButton' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump_TileButtons.cs 116 66 Scripts
Error 212 'Server.Gumps.GumpImageTileButton' does not contain a definition for 'ButtonID' and no extension method 'ButtonID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpImageTileButton' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump_TileButtons.cs 116 85 Scripts
Error 213 'Server.Gumps.GumpImageTileButton' does not contain a definition for 'ButtonID' and no extension method 'ButtonID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpImageTileButton' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump_TileButtons.cs 141 60 Scripts
Error 218 'Server.Gumps.GumpImageTileButton' does not contain a definition for 'ButtonID' and no extension method 'ButtonID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpImageTileButton' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\GML\GmlWriter.cs 226 31 Scripts
Error 205 'Server.Gumps.GumpRadio' does not contain a definition for 'SwitchID' and no extension method 'SwitchID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpRadio' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump_Radios.cs 87 53 Scripts
Error 223 'Server.Gumps.GumpRadio' does not contain a definition for 'SwitchID' and no extension method 'SwitchID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpRadio' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\GML\GmlWriter.cs 331 31 Scripts
Error 225 'Server.Gumps.GumpRadio' does not contain a definition for 'SwitchID' and no extension method 'SwitchID' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.GumpRadio' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\Base\SuperGump.cs 763 62 Scripts
Error 215 'Server.Gumps.IGumpContainer' does not contain a definition for 'X' and no extension method 'X' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.IGumpContainer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\UI\Lists\Menus.cs 211 25 Scripts
Error 216 'Server.Gumps.IGumpContainer' does not contain a definition for 'Y' and no extension method 'Y' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Gumps.IGumpContainer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\UI\Lists\Menus.cs 212 25 Scripts
Error 201 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition for 'SetMountBlock' and no extension method 'SetMountBlock' accepting a first argument of type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\Items\Throwables\Base\BaseDazingThrowable.cs 63 8 Scripts
Error 209 Cannot access protected member 'Server.Gumps.Gump.Entries' via a qualifier of type 'VitaNex.SuperGumps.SuperGump'; the qualifier must be of type 'VitaNex.SuperGumps.DesktopGump' (or derived from it) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\DesktopGump.cs 116 6 Scripts
Error 210 Cannot access protected member 'Server.Gumps.Gump.Entries' via a qualifier of type 'VitaNex.SuperGumps.SuperGump'; the qualifier must be of type 'VitaNex.SuperGumps.DesktopGump' (or derived from it) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\Framework\DesktopGump.cs 116 13 Scripts
Error 217 Cannot implicitly convert type 'Server.Gumps.IGumpContainer' to 'Server.Gumps.Gump'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) Z:\SVN\ServUO\Scripts\VitaNex\Core\SuperGumps\UI\Lists\Menus.cs 216 16 Scripts

Sorry if I'm being pushy, awkward, anal, or whatever, but you have to understand that, as a lone developer working on a large project, I'd rather spend my time coding towards meeting my goals of new and exciting content/features, rather than coding compatibility work-around's. As time goes on, this is getting more and more frustrating and it sucks having to tell people that they'd have to ue RunUO stock, when they are clearly happy with ServUO.

The differences between ServUO and RunUO are noticeable, you guys have done a great job, but it would be nice if I had the opportunity to communicate effectively with your team in order to remedy these situations before they arise. All I'm asking is a little information and cooperation.

Thank you all.
Last edited:
I can understand your pain with support and all. Although everyone on the ServUO dev team works full time, has families, ect. None of us make all of our income from UO related jobs, so we can't spend as much time on the project as we'd like.

I've been trying to devote more time to the project lately. Especially with summer almost over, as it's when most devs come back to the community, along with the players.

I've tested your package with ServUO, to see the same results you get. I believe everything can be adjusted on our end without any features being lost. I will be focusing on the gump issues, along with more improvements soon. I had hoped to address it sooner, although more work and shit keeps getting piled into my lap here in real life.

I know we may not work as fast as you do, but I will most assuredly address this problem. VNC is a great package, and I'd love to support using it for ServUO.

Just don't expect it to get fixed this weekend. Have a lot of yard work to do, and tons of wood to split.

As for the preprocessor idea, I already decided I would be adding that. Also, more of the dev team is starting to come back to the community, so I hope we can get the ball rolling here soon on many things.

Sorry for making you wait, if you get any support requests and you see they're on ServUO, feel free to send them to the forum. Especially since the issue isn't due to VNC, but changes made to ServUO.

Also, I'll mention it again. You're more than welcome as a dev, to contribute to the project. Even if all it was, was the preprocessor change.

I'll be getting home some-what early today compared to the usual. I expect to be able to sit down and merge the rest of the stuff in from RunUO. Gump work will be addressed right after that, but one last time. Sorry for the delays.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4


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Thanks Insanity, at the very least for putting up with me :p

I don't expect you to do it all, I don't mind contributing since you've offered, I'll see what I can do to make the job easier - I'll contribute changes and updates, I don't mind devoting an 8-12 hour shift to working on ServUO if it means we can move forward again.

I'm able to develop software full-time because I commit 40+ hours per week to it, it's my literal job as a sole trader, though I'd say at least half of the hours I do are free work, not everyone is in my position but I do know a few others who have charged for their RunUO programming in the past and have since left the community for the most part. My point is, while you guys are doing your jobs, I'm sat here doing mine and it just so happens it's mostly to do with RunUO software. I still have to balance it out with my wife and kid - but granted our lifestyles will be entirely different, for one example, you're going to chop wood while I have a yard out back that's barely big enough to swing a cat and it's all concrete :p

Delays are expected, I'll be honest, I suck at meeting deadlines, we all have our circumstances so no need to apologise for anything, really.

Thanks for the fast response - I'm going to take a better look at ServUO's code now and see if I can help out some.

What are the major TO-DO's at the moment?
Atm, the major to-dos are to catch up with the runuo revisions. Then I was going to address the gump issues that conflict with super gumps. And then work on improving the gump framework a bit more. Such as adding to ability for user specific styling on gumps. Before starting back up with the Shard Control idea (which will rely heavily on gumps.)

I'd like to sit down and have a conversation with you when we both have the time (I'm moving the lawn atm, replying from my phone.) Perhaps even tackle the gump changes in a new way. It's a community project after all, and you've already improved the gump class on your end. Just would be nice to see most of the features baked into the gump class.

I believe with a nice gump framework, systems could be built easier and faster. Few people use gumps in their systems due to how unfriendly they can be.

I'll jump on my messengers later tonight and see if you're around, I'd you're down for a chat.

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@Insanity feel free to count me on board on any of these projects you need help on. I typically do pretty well as long as I have a goal set in front of me, so let me know specific things I can help with on your to-do list.
Hey !

Sorry, I'm without Internet at home for more than one week now, and I didn't take time to check the forum thoroughly ... but I've just discoreved that topic and wanted to share the work I had done so far.

I have made VitaNex Core compatible with ServUO Publish 51.... but I fear it requires one Core Change in ServUO. But I took the "risk" to change it because I wanted more to be compatible with VitaNex than waiting for next ServUO Core update ... :p (no offense on this I hope, just a private priority).

So here is the changes that need to be made (see file in annex as I can't seem to make it right directly on the forum).

Hope this helps :)

PS : What's up with everyone becoming a "ServUO Developer" ?
I mean I remember asking to be part of the team like 9 months ago, and being refused .... now I see the team is growing fast ? lol


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I've decided that anyone that is active enough and can contribute to the project in a positive way should be on the team. I've only added a few members to the team recently.

Your changes may work to get it working. Although changes can be made to the core gump framework to support vnc and legacy gumps without changes to vnc.

Sucks that you're without net at the time, I was in the same boat bot long ago.

Anyways, I believe I will be putting some updates on hold in order to address this issue and a few other ones. As many users want to use vnc.

I also plan on setting up a better process to applying for being a developer. Sorry that you were denied before, although if I remember it was right before my move. So I didn't have time to make anyone a dev at the time. You've since been pretty productive throughout the community, and somewhat knowledgeable compared to others. So I see no reason you can help contribute and be on the project.

I will be reaching out to all devs and anyone interested in joining the team here soon. In order to organize the development efforts, and speed things up.

Although if the team grows too large I may have to start paying for a git repo upgrade or switch it back to github. Which I'm not against.

I have this Wednesday off, and have decided to make this a top priority over other things. So expect to see this fixed this week, among other things.

Again, one last time. Sorry for being such a headache @Voxpire hope to have it all sorted soon enough.

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I've registered on Bitbucket as VitaNex, if you add me to the team I will submit Pull Requests for your review :)