I've done a bit of part time web design before for several businesses.
ServUO use the XenForo software a long with a custom theme, many of which are available for free on the XenForo website, some of them are paid for and there are other websites such a PixelEdit.com which sell premium themes and I
think offer custom theme designs too.
There are other website solutions, one of the easiest ways is using a CMS (Content Management System) such as Joomla which is free, there are also themes/templates for Joomla.
I've not attempted to make a custom theme for XenForo as that is slightly outside of my knowledge, I did manage to make one with the help of online tutorials for Joomla.
With XenForo you get a whole host of addons for free and again many addons which you have to pay for but can be created yourself if you have the know-how. VBuilliten is another forum software but I've never really looked into that one.
phpBB is yet again another forum software, this time a free one though.
So there are a lot of options it just depends on your budget. I saved up and shelled out for a XenForo license not too long ago and can say that it was well worth it and it's very powerful even if you have no prior knowledge of web design.
Then of course you have the DIY approach which would involve creating webpages from scratch, I usually use Dreamweaver like Ravenwolfe said but you have to pay for that too however there are various tools available to help you code it for free and if you wish to you can write it in Notepad
For hosting solutions i use NFOServers web hosting as it was one of the cheapest I found for their bottom line package which is sufficient for a small website and as for purchasing a Domain I use OnlyDomains, I used to use GoDaddy but their custom service seemed a little shit to me.

- For price point GoDaddy seems to have the most regular deals on domains etc.
I hope that helped out somewhat, if you've got any Qs let me know!