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Art LB Throne & Fancy Benches Item Art fixes. 1.0

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UOFiddler is needed to replace the existing art items with these fixed BMP art item images. Simply right click on the existing image and select 'Replace' and then select the fixed BMP art item image. Once all images have been replaced then right click on any art item image and select 'Save' a new Art.Mul and Artidx.Mul file will be created in your UOFiddler folder. Then copy those 2 new MUL files over to your UO game folder.
When you sit on Lord British's Throne (or place a NPC on the throne) as well as sit on the Fancy Benches in the game your character or NPC character will get 1/2 covered by the 2nd piece of the artwork. Theis is due to the art needing 2 images to make the entire item and there is a little overlap of the 2 images. These new art items fix the glitch with LB Throne and the Fancy Benches, players and NPC can sit on those items properly and not get 1/2 covered by the 2nd piece of artwork.
Carl Hamilton
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