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Monster Stealing 1.1

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This is the Monster Stealing system

This was created by someone else, I have updated it for ServUo and improved upon it by adding more creatures.
Only a few edits necessary, if you choose you may drag and drop the files as they are from the newest ServUo version. If you have custom scripts find comments at:
BaseCreature.cs Line 258 addition for monster stealables
Line 812 added sound for 'SpillAcid'
Stealing.cs Line 337 addition for monster stealables

also updated some mobiles:
Solen Queens and Warriors: spit acid, drop acid on death, and queens spawn egg that hatches helpers.

All aura creatures do their respective aura abilities
Fire Ant drops Hot Goo
Interred Grizzle drops acid pool
Added Winter Reaper
Sir Patrick does Life Drain
Semidar Life Drain
Szavetra now acts like a Succubus
Bronze Elemental Does Gas Attack
Dull Copper Elemental explodes on death doing area damage
Valorite Elemental does Gas Attack

Bonus*** Fixed all Ore Elementals to have immunity to level 4 poison
Drop correct ore amounts
Verite Elemental damages armor

Still working on Lady of the Snow, blackrock creatures and a few more; which will be released here as updates.

Everything tested working, I made the effects and sounds as accurate as I can remember. (havn't played a pay shard in 7 years)
Please post comments or inaccuracies if you are aware of any.
This is a great system gives thieves an exclusive market as well as players a different challenge to fighting certain creatures.

Mage-Ranged-Melee combat all plays into creature abilities

Latest Updates

  1. Added DamagingRegion.cs for IcyRiver immunity

    Added DamagingRegion.cs

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