- Requirements
- Vita-Nex: Core
Power Hour API
Exposes an advanced API that provides a complete Power Hour solution.
With this module, you can easily integrate Power Hour checks into your code with one simple line! The rest of the hard work is done by the module.
Can be easily integrated into Skill and Stat gain checks, Loot drops, or anywhere you wish to give the user a bonus when they have an active session.
Sessions are tracked per-character and can be activated at will.
The duration of a session can be configured in the module options.
Sessions have a cool-down period before they can be activated again, once they have finished.
The cool-down duration can be configured in the module options.
Power Hour fully supports the Vita-Nex: Core TimeBoost service and allows players to reduce their remaining cool-down time using any Time Boosts they have available.
TimeBoost integration can be enabled or disabled in the module options.
Users can be Notified upon login if they are eligible to start a new Power Hour session.
This option can be enabled or disabled in the module options.
GoldLootFactor is a double type representing the percentage to increase corpse-bound gold.
A value of 0 disables the feature.
A negative value will decrease the gold amount.
The default value is 0.
To increase Power Hour Gold loot by 25%, set GoldLootFactor to 0.25
SkillGainChance is a double type representing the chance to perform an additional Skill check.
A value of 0 disables the feature.
A negative value disables the feature.
The default value is 0.
To give a 25% chance to perform an extra skill gain check, set SkillGainChance to 0.25
Constructable Items:
(Players) To start or check a Power Hour session use:
[PowerHour or [PH
(Staff) To view the properties of a user's Power Hour session use:
[PowerHourProps or [PHProps
(Staff) To globally reset the Power Hour sessions of all users use:
[PowerHourReset or [PHReset
Configure this module using the [VNC command.
var hasPowerHour = VitaNex.Modules.PowerHour.PowerHour.HasPowerHour( mobile );
if( hasPowerHour )
// They have an active session, apply bonuses.
This module requires additional development in order to implement fully.
Power Hour provides features for increasing Gold loot and Skill gains, but can be expanded to support almost anything you can think of!