Search results

  1. [RUNUO] How to setup visual studio solution for 2.1?

    Hello Runuo 2.1 does not have .sln file or any visual studio solution default. How can i setup it? Is it possible? Default runuo 2.1 files are:
  2. How can i edit custom buildings?

    For example I want to change Britain Bank's custom design manually? How can i do that?
  3. ServUO Crashes When Expansion is AOS

    I set CurrentExpansion to AOS in CurrentExpansion.cs than recompiled my servUO, I set my DataPath to my Ultima Online 2D Client ( Patch) and run ServUO.exe But got a crash while creating a owner account. Crash: Server Crash Report =================== ServUO Version 0.5, Build 7286.2079...
  4. Lootpack Questions

    In lootpack.cs I could not understand these two things : What is this "5d100+500" returns and how it calculating? I know it's called Dice but I dont know how. new LootPackEntry( true, Gold, 100.00, "5d100+500" ), And Why is this chances are more than 1...
  5. Deleting items at a wanted time || ServUO

    I want to delete all of the kudos items from every player's bank or backpack at the end of the day ( 00 :00 ) where should i execute this script?
  6. [ServUO] BaseCreature Virtual Damage Method

    In Runuo there was a method (which Xanthos Evo System used) called Damage(int amonut , mobile defender) like that: public virtual void Damage( int amount, Mobile defender ) { content } But I couldn't find it in ServUO there is only 4 damage functions which is...
  7. Serializing a list[]

    How should I serialize this in a right way? It's an array btw , sorry for the title. private SkillClass[] m_skillClasses; [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public SkillClass[] skillClasses { get { return m_skillClasses; } set {...
  8. Withdrawing gold from bankbox

    I'm trying to withdraw gold but I can't...
  9. UO Options does not include game window size..

    I just tryna resize with uosteam in options I saw this:
  10. Error during compile with VDS

    On my computer there is no problem while compiling , but when I tried it on my VDS it just said that:
  11. Getting Crash with my Scripts

    My scripts are: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Server.Mobiles; using Server.Regions; using Server.Items; namespace Server.Regions { public class RegionStone : Item { public EgitimAlani Register(RegionStone tas)...
  12. Fatal error everytime!

    I got this every time I start ServUO . Even with refresh files , original files.
  13. ServUO deletes itself?

    Today , I tried to open my servUo but I saw this : (This happened 3rd time!)
  14. Something's wrong with [CreateWorld

    I just Created world in my server with [CreateWorld command and checkbox every one . But ServUO errors : And When I reopen server It says this :
  15. World Load Warning Again..

    I have a Item script , I think I serialize and deserialize it truely but when I restart it errors. Here's my script : namespace Server.Items { public enum Boslar { ChiefParoxymus, DreadHorn, MonstrousInterredGrizzle, ShimmeringEffusion...
  16. ProgressBar in UO Gump?

    I have a level system and a [level command in my server. I want to add progressbar which shows "%exp" in the [level gump. Is it possible ?
  17. Pandora's Box Stucks in Creating New Profile...

    I installed last version of pandora's box in ServUO forum , I converted my UOP files. But when I open the Pandoras Box it stucks in Creating New Profile loading splash. And It does not open.
  18. Got error in Serialize method

    I got a new BaseCreature mob in my server , But I have problems to add it in my server. It errors with Serialize constructor but I have serialize method in my code.. Here is my code : using System; using Server.Engines.CannedEvil; using Server.Items; using Server.Spells.Fifth; using...
  19. Checking dropped item IsChildOf(from.backpack)

    I got that script I want to check dropped item is in dropper's backpack or not ? It is not works exactly.. What is wrong? public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped) PlayerMobile m = (PlayerMobile)from; if (dropped is LanetliHooded && dropped.IsChildOf(m.Backpack) &&...
  20. Adding title to players

    I have a level system on my server , I want to add a title which shows Level Info to player title list . I hope you understand me .. Sorry for bad English.