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  1. chris1212

    Need some help with a potential script issue.

    I believe xanthos, I also tried changing the datapath and moving the shard to my primary HD yet the problem presists.
  2. chris1212

    Need some help with a potential script issue.

    I tried redoing the datapath and removing the saves yet the same thing keeps on going on, same error. I'm not quite sure. I didnt change anything at all, everything is exactly the same as it was. Pretty stumped
  3. chris1212

    Need some help with a potential script issue.

    I think this may be the wrong thread or whatever but I'm having an issue with my shard and I cant seem to figure it out and I need some exterior support, it was running JUST FINE then I brought my RUNO 2.0 shard down and all of the sudden it refuses to work anymore, this is the only thing I can...
  4. chris1212

    Running two separate shards?

    Its worth a shot, thank you I didnt even consider that to work ill let you know if it does Yeah that instantly made it work hahaha thank you
  5. chris1212

    Running two separate shards?

    I run a pretty old Runuo 2.0 shard and am trying to run a new Servuo shard on the side to test some things out, but it keeps trying to run off my IP even though in the serverlist.cs script I set it to false and kept the other option null, which means when I boot my client up Im still connecting...
  6. chris1212

    Need help with runUO2.0 house size

    Wait, are you pyro from Death Awaits You?
  7. chris1212

    Need help with runUO2.0 house size

    Yeah im blind, sorry haha I've never really tried to mess with this before
  8. chris1212

    Need help with runUO2.0 house size

    new HousePlacementEntry( typeof( HouseFoundation ), 1060384, 2119, 1059, 2437, 1218, 42, 179000, 0, 10, 0, 0x147B ) // 18x18 3-Story Customizable House Basically on my shard im trying to add in custom house plot sizes in the tool, I have the line of...
  9. chris1212

    Script item drop rate change issues

    I will give this a try and let you know if it works!
  10. chris1212

    Script item drop rate change issues

    Hey so I'm on Runuo 2.0 RC1 and I have tons of custom mobs and items and I'm trying to modify some item drop rates on my custom mobs but it seems to not really change at all ill post part of a script: public override bool OnBeforeDeath() { if (Utility.Random(100) < 30) // 30%...
  11. chris1212

    Old autosave script and shard backup problems

    Jesus I was having a heart attack, my saves folder was gone for some reason... I checked the trashcan and my desktop and nada.. I made a new one, dragged and dropped.. seems to be working! thanks hahaha
  12. chris1212

    Old autosave script and shard backup problems

    Having issues with my shard, an admin was dicking around and the shard crashed and I have working back ups But have NO idea how to load them.. its RunUO 2.0 RC1
  13. chris1212

    Updating items in-game from script?

    Thank you so much, this is going to save me so much time and I can now avoid player wipes.. This is amazing! Thank you all for the help I serious appreciate it.
  14. chris1212

    Updating items in-game from script?

    I'm going to give this a shot, ill post results I guess I'm just being stupid, super tired on my end been tooling around on this shard all night its throwing another error: Errors: + Customs/Custom Wear & Items/DAYitems/CloakOfDeathAwaitsYou.cs: CS1513: Line 67: } expected CS1513: Line...
  15. chris1212

    Updating items in-game from script?

    Oh geesh, ill see what I can figure out lol I have no idea what I'm doing :P
  16. chris1212

    Updating items in-game from script?

    I will try that now Yeah that did not seem to change anything, its making tons of scripts throw warnings and errors now here is the corrected script: using System; using Server.Items; namespace Server.Items { public class CloakOfDeathAwaitsYou : BaseArmor { public override int...
  17. chris1212

    Updating items in-game from script?

    EDIT: I should mention this is runuo 2.0 rc1 adding that line of code in is throwing errors, ill post the new script. this is the error: Error: System.ArgumentException: The path is not of a legal form. at System.IO.Path.NormalizePathFast(String path, Boolean fullCheck) at...
  18. chris1212

    Updating items in-game from script?

    Dude I love you right now. Okay so i changed them all to 1 but the old stat items are the same, something im missing? public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer) { base.Serialize(writer); writer.Write((int)1); // <----- } public override...
  19. chris1212

    Scripts throwing error

    So I have two scripts working perfectly on my shard but I copied them, changed the class names to the new items and mob and I get constant fatal errors and I'm out of ideas. I'll post the two old scripts and the two new scripts. Old working scripts: using System; using System.Collections; using...
  20. chris1212

    Updating items in-game from script?

    Would it be possible to make an "update" script to replace the "originals"?