
Hello everyone!

I am going to try and start a UO server for the first time, and after reading up about ServUO and seeing how great this forum is, I wanted to give ServUO a try. I am going to use the new video tutorial that was posted last week to help me get started, but I have lots of questions, and I hope it is alright if I bug you all for some advice :) (and I'm hoping that this is the right sub-forum to post this in. Sorry if this is supposed to go somewhere else!)

This server would mostly be just for me and a few UO friends to play around on. Most of us are interested in mapping using CentrED, and want to be able to putter around with the maps and then get to see our changes live in game. However, I'd still want the option to use this as a real server for people to play on someday if it ever got to that point. So, pretty much my goals for the server are the following:

-Get a basic UO client running.
-Learn how to extract the maps to edit in CentrED and then load our changed maps back into the game.
-Be able to use some of the art resources I've seen mentioned here and other places, especially to use as more options for statics and terrain in mapping.
-Still be able to add some scripts later as I learn more about these. The customization options with ServUO seem endless. I am excited to try and learn more about these types of things later on if I have a working server.

So, right now I am going to start working on installing the basic server stuff. My first real question is would it be possible to use an older client with ServUO? I have a Mondain's Legacy install that I'd like to use. I have heard that anything after client 7.x changed things with the art that make it harder to install new statics and things. Would a client this old still work with ServUO? And if not, what would you all recommend?

Sorry for the long explanation for one question, but thank you for taking the time to look at this. I'm jumping into new territory here and I am excited, but can use all the help I can get! :)
Wish I could answer the question about the client. I think it -should- work. You'll want to make sure SA features are disabled. Also there is a wonderful new script called UO Live that could allow you to stream your map to the client in real time even while the map is being worked on without needing to reload the server. You can find it here in the script section.
For custom art thought I had read you can use up to client 7.12.01 this is before the mul changed to uop, if I'm wrong with this client I'm sure some one will join in :) is the last client you can use without uop files in it. er well like 30 but still that was around when the server support files changed. for custom art adds tho milva is about spot on im sure there is others that can go way into detail about custom art and there is a number of great devs that have added sections on custom art here in the forums.
Is ServUO its own emulator? Sorry I'm new here from RunUO. Found a link explaining how to add custom mounts to a shard there...
I'm not sure the exact version, but you can definately use a much newer client than You might have a hard time finding places to download older clients now, but there are still some. One client I still found in a few places was, which still uses the old .mul files and has all the SA stuff (not sure if it has High Seas support though, it may). Just try searching for that client to download. But yes, you'll need to get your ServUO server up and running, and then install UltimaLive if you want to do the streaming map changes. -Definitely- use the tutorial to get your server going, as if you set it up properly with Git you will be able to get all the latest updates from ServUO with the click of a button. If you get your server up and running without using Git and make a bunch of changes to it, it will be more difficult to set it up to pull automatic updates later on (though it can be done). Right after you get it up and running, I would suggest looking in the archive on here for Dreamseeker's Imbuing if you want Imbuing on your server, as it's not on ServUO by default. Anyways, if you run into any issues i'm sure someone can help you work through them, and sometimes there's people on the IRC chat that can help as well. Welcome to servuo!
Thank you all for these great responses! I appreciate the help. It is nice to know everyone here is so willing to help. I'll be messing around with setting up the server tonight and tomorrow.

Thanks again!
Hello everyone! Just wanted you to know that I am still working on this and I truly appreciate all of the help and advice above. I've been super busy with work lately, but have been plugging away at trying to get my server going. At this point, I have source tree installed and it downloaded git onto my system, my problem however, is that when I try to clone the ServUO repository, it says that the link is not correct and wont give me the option to download. I copied the link from the ServUO Repo link at the top of this page, but it still doesn't like it. Any ideas?

If it still doesn't work, I don't mind trying to just download the zip file of the ServUO master and work from there. Git is probably a bit outside my skill set anyway, but I'd like to try. :)

Also, one more question. I don't have visual studio, which I think was used in the tutorial video to edit the script files for the server, and looking at their website, it seems really expensive. Will I be ok without this program or will it be way too hard to edit anything?

You can easily use Notepad++ for free, or even better SharpDevelop which is a free IDE with similar basic functionality like VisualStudio.

Edit: And I completely forgot to mention, you can use the VisualStudio Express edition for completely free, its located on the microsoft software site. Also, if you're a student, you can apply for a free license for VisualStudio I think.
Thank you so much m309! Notepad++ has made looking at all the files SO much easier. I will look into the visual studio express edition soon as well. The help is greatly appreciated!

I still haven't been able to figure out my problem with finding the git repository with source tree, but I did download the master file zip to play around with in the mean time. I followed the directions on the video to edit my server's name, but now I am trying to edit ServUO to look for my UO install. Searching around showed me to use the Datapath.cs file, which I did, but am unsure which line of code to edit with my UO directory. However, I also saw a post that told me to use the OpenUOSDK.cs file to point my UO install. Which one of these (if it is either :) ) is the correct place to point ServUO to my UO directory? Also, if it isn't too much trouble, can you let me know which line of code to edit in the file to accomplish this?

Thank you all so much and I'm sorry for such basic questions, I am brand new to this and want to do things right.
You should change both Datapath.cs and OpenUOSDK.cs to point to your server files. I say server files because you should be using a different copy of the client for the server. Running both the server and the client on the same install can produce IO errors.

Line you need to change in Datapath.cs should look something like this.
private static readonly string CustomPath = @"E:\Ultima Online\UO Server Files";

Line in OpenUOSDK should look something like this.
public static string ClientDataPath = @"E:\Ultima Online\UO Server Files";

Just change those paths to where ever you put your server files.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I have a server, and it works!!!!!!

I still have a bunch to learn, and hopefully I won't completely wear you all out with questions, but I have a good place to start. Thank you again for your patience and support.

Also: I would never have thought to have 2 UO installs on the computer, one to play and one to use as the server, if you hadn't told me. Thanks for that as well!
Ok, so everything is working perfectly, and I am going to try and do some work on the maps. I have already set myself up in CentrED+ and have made my CentrED plus server by using the tiledata, radarcol, map1, statics1, and staidx1 files. Now, I just have two quick questions about what I should do when I am done working on a section of the map and want to update my server with these changes:

1) Should I just copy the edited tiledata, radarcol, map1, statics1, and staidx1 files and paste them back in my UO directory? Both the directory I am using to run my server off of and the one I am using to run my character off of? Do I need to add/change anything in my ServUO directory itself?

2) Do I need to recompile the server after this for the changes to take effect? I think I read that I need to do this if I edit any scripts, but I'm not sure if map changes count.

As always, thank you so very much for your time and help!!
When you do map work in CED, all you need to copy/paste are the Map, Statics and Staidx files. The other ones are unaffected by anything in CED.

Any of those types of file changes do not require recompiling or restarting the server. Just paste the new files into your server set of files, and your client set of files.
Another note on recompiling. You only have to recompile if changes are made to the files in the 'Server' directory. The Server has a built in compiler and recompiles any changes you make the to files in the 'Scripts' directory on startup. So that means you can change stuff like Datapath.cs or anything else inside the 'Scripts' and just restart the server without recompiling.
I am using UOLive 097 and I made alot of changes to my maps using Centred, but when I load the files back into the server and client I still get the standard uo map. any ideas on how I can remedy this. I like the changes I made with centred and would like to keep them.
You need to have both the Server files updated with your new map file(s) as well as your UO client folder files to see correctly, the new changes you have made.
-Definitely- use the tutorial to get your server going, as if you set it up properly with Git you will be able to get all the latest updates from ServUO with the click of a button. If you get your server up and running without using Git and make a bunch of changes to it, it will be more difficult to set it up to pull automatic updates later on Welcome to servuo!

Where is this tutorial?

How did they install two copies of the game? When I tried it asked me if I wanted to uninstall the other copy, when I click no, it closed out of installation.
Typically you move/rename the folder then install/copy. The only thing you don't get, or need is the registry key/s
Sorry to post in a threat I haven't posted in in a while, but just had a quick and rather embarrassing question :)

I've had my servuo server working for a long time thanks to you all, and while I haven't done too much with it for other players, I have really had a lot of fun on and off with working on the server and doing mapping work and generally learning about a lot of things.

One issue I ran into is that I managed to delete a lot of the runes on my gm character from that runebook script that automatically gave my gm the ability to teleport everywhere. Now, I fully admit that I did this because I was being stupid and not paying attention, lol, but just wondering if there is a way to get the runebook back to how it was when I first made my gm character. Would it be easiest just to make a new owner character?

Thanks and sorry for the really strange and silly question! Try not to make too much fun ;)

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