this is awesome so far. but it definitely changed my name to "floor" at some point. i was searching for floor tiles but i dont know what exactly i did to make it change my name. easy fix on my end. i will do some more testing in the coming days and let you know what else i come across!
Changed your name? now that is not normal, I'll have to track that down, off hand I can't think of anything that would do that in the tool!
Added the box fine on admin, when I get to the search tool gump, it restarts the server when I click any button on that gump other than the ? button.
Added the box fine on admin, when I get to the search tool gump, it restarts the server when I click any button on that gump other than the ? button.
you need to right click your ServUO.exe and then click "Run as admin"
Kita updated UO Black Box with a new update entry:

Minor Update

Added Undo Tool, make a mistake, hit undo!
Added offset positioning of the tools when first opened
*Going to add a 'last position' save feature, for next update
Fixed custom (ItemID/Search/Z) entries resetting on use
Swept & mopped the floor!

What tool should come next?

1. Travel Assistant
2. Gump Editor
3. Box Architect
4. Other <Suggestion>

Read the rest of this update entry...
Kita updated UO Black Box with a new update entry:

Minor Update

*Fixed bug where UnDo Gump caused the tool to not shut off!
*Added first part of the new 'Random Tool'
-To use, select art in art viewer, then select slot to copy art id to, once filled, use freq to place random art within selection! This only has the single place atm, will be adding bounding box placement in next update!

*Fixed opening messages appearing if gump already open!

*Kicked the can!

Read the rest of this update entry...
Kita updated UO Black Box with a new update entry:

Major Update

+Finished Decor Tool - For Now
+Added new button on search tool, 'Find by Target'
+Added Travel Tool - So far only has Map Tool (see Below)
-Map Tool - allows you to jump around existing go locations in the xml files, to add/remove default locations, edit the default xml files, otherwise you can add custom shared locations in the tool and remove them! The map also shows you, staff and players, all but you are buttons that take you to them. When you press yourself, you turn on Live Tracking...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I know this is an admin only tool but I wanted to see what would happen if I gave one to a player. I couldn't spawn one in their name so I made one in mine and placed it on the ground. It disappeared as intended when they tried to use it. I then placed my own that was spawned to me, in their backpack and it also disappeared when they tried to use it. When I did that tho, it created a glitch where the server or the script thought I still had one and wouldn't let me create another. I simply shutdown the server before it saved in that state and all was fine but I didn't know if that was an intended reaction or consequence so I thought I'd let you know. Incredible tool!
I know this is an admin only tool but I wanted to see what would happen if I gave one to a player. I couldn't spawn one in their name so I made one in mine and placed it on the ground. It disappeared as intended when they tried to use it. I then placed my own that was spawned to me, in their backpack and it also disappeared when they tried to use it. When I did that tho, it created a glitch where the server or the script thought I still had one and wouldn't let me create another. I simply shutdown the server before it saved in that state and all was fine but I didn't know if that was an intended reaction or consequence so I thought I'd let you know. Incredible tool!
I'm glad you were so persistent to get a box into a players hands and test my anti theft system; and you found a small bug I didn't foresee! I have repaired the issue, and will have a surprise for next update! BTW, even if a player could use the box, they are limited by the server commands, unless they are reduced in access level, the box will maintain and equivalent access!

Thanks, there is lots still to come for the box, stay tuned!
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If I could ask anyone interested, post your list of wants for the tool!

I am trying to think of everything short of what Fiddler and Centered do, as I am not trying to replace those tools, but offer a internal tool that handles the internal features! ie: decorating, travel, gumps etc etc

So if you have the time to post; additional ideas will only help the project, list what you want!
Next Update will include a heat map :
  1. Craft (Success),
  2. Creature Death,
  3. Player Death,
  4. Quest (Completion),
  5. Harvest (Success),
  6. Tame (Success),
  7. Buy,
  8. Sell
General Look at how it would look,
before I release the update tomorrow,
is there any other events that should be included?
Progress Report : Just wrapping up testing on the functionality of the Gump Editor which has been successful, this is a rough look at the gump editor today, look for a update to drop this weekend with this new tool, plus some additional information/clean up and refining!


*This is a beta view of the gump editor, it will look different for update*​
Installing the last update I get this.

Step one : excluded files from project
Step two : deleted files from HD
Step tree: compiled ServUO -> OK
Step four: added new files

Last time I just copied over the existing files it did not work..

Any hint?


  • Capture.PNG
    10.7 KB · Views: 14
Not sure what happened to cause that but try this,

Do a full clean and reinstall, start by deleting the BlackBox folder from scripts and saves folder, than compile and run server, save and shutdown, than install BB fresh! Compile and start, Make sure to run the server as admin on first start!
Not sure what happened to cause that but try this,

Do a full clean and reinstall, start by deleting the BlackBox folder from scripts and saves folder, than compile and run server, save and shutdown, than install BB fresh! Compile and start, Make sure to run the server as admin on first start!
This is what I tried twice before posting.. and a third time gave the same results. I can not compile the server once the new files are installed because 2 files are missing.
I can't reproduce this, so have no idea what you are doing to cause this, the update doesn't change much and one of the scripts it says it missing is one that is only a test gump I removed from the system! That shouldn't be causing this issue and all I can say to try to fix your compile is to remove the system, delete the Save folder UOBlackBox and than compile the server without blackbox, save and try installing again! I've tested both ServUO 57/58 and they both work! If I could reproduce this issue I would be more helpful but unfortunately that isn't the case!
Use Visual Studio 2022, you have chances it reproduces while working on it! LoL

I compiled in console mode, even having errors in VS and it was fine.. restarted with VS, 9 errors this time..

So VS was not removing all files in the references. I removed BB completely, screwed a bit my code, added it back and it runs no problem for an hour now.

Sorry for any inconvenient..
Np, I was curious to what was going on myself, I don't proclaim not to make mistakes and prefer people let me know rather than not!

Also, I use the compile via the files for v58 rather than building via VS
Ok I have a weird onehere..

Someone tried to connect using the Enhanced client..

Connect, username, password, select shard and... crash!

Check the report, can nto believe it, try again..

Connect, username, password, select shard and..

Server Crash Report

ServUO Version 0.5, Build 8539.8039
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
.NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000
Time: 2023-05-21 11:33:17 PM
Mobiles: 17305
Items: 162411
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Server.Services.UOBlackBox.BoxCore.HasBox(Mobile staff) in C:\GamingSVR\ServUO\Scripts\Services\UOBlackBox\Box\BoxCore.cs:line 98
   at Server.Services.UOBlackBox.BoxCore.EventSink_Login(LoginEventArgs e) in C:\GamingSVR\ServUO\Scripts\Services\UOBlackBox\Box\BoxCore.cs:line 89
   at Server.LoginEventHandler.Invoke(LoginEventArgs e)
   at Server.EventSink.InvokeLogin(LoginEventArgs e) in C:\GamingSVR\ServUO\Server\EventSink.cs:line 2127
   at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DoLogin(NetState state) in C:\GamingSVR\ServUO\Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs:line 2578
   at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.PlayCharacter(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc) in C:\GamingSVR\ServUO\Server\Network\PacketHandlers.cs:line 2522
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns) in C:\GamingSVR\ServUO\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 346
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice() in C:\GamingSVR\ServUO\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 136
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in C:\GamingSVR\ServUO\Server\Main.cs:line 674

How come? PouwAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAHa!!
Interesting, seems like from what I can see from your error and the current code, the Backpack came up null, or at least that is my best guess, I don't test against a Enhanced Client and not sure why you wouldn't have a backpack! To temp fix this, added a check for the backpack!

        private static bool HasBox(Mobile staff)
            if (staff.Backpack == null) // Check for Backpack
                return false;

            if (staff.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(BlackBox)) != null)
                return true;

            var boxes = World.Items.Values.Where(b => b is BlackBox).ToList();

            if (boxes?.Count > 0)
                foreach (var box in boxes)
                    if (box is BlackBox bb && bb.Staff == staff)
                        return true;

            return false;

Please let me know if this solved your issue and I'll include it in the next update coming soon!

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