What is this?
This is an easy to use drag-and-drop PM/DM system.Installation
folder into your Scripts/Custom/
folder: Scripts/Custom/ArrowPM/
Check out
for all the customizations your heart desires.Usage
By default you can use[pm
or [msg
You can add as many commands as you want in SETTINGS.cs
Note: Anywhere you type the player name to send a message to acts as a search, if you type bit, it will match that to bittiez for example, so players don't need to type full player names.
The command can be used as such:
will open a gump to write your message[pm bit
[cmd <playername> will open a gump with the username prefilled[pm bit hello there
[cmd <playername> <message>This one will not open a gump, it will send the player a message without the gump.
If you use the Save button on the create message gump it will save an item deed in your backpack as a draft so you can finish the message later:
And on the receiving end a message looks like this:
Also with the ability to save the message: