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Maps Blank Staidx & Statics 1.1

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Freeze Command, Unfreeze Command, A corrupted Statics/Staidx .mul, The ability to use your Server Program to edit Map files
So knowing how programs work, I also know that if I ended up with a statics file that was over a 1 gig big from CentrED+ that I shouldn't be the only person who ends up having that hiccup.

That being said, I know you, like me, wouldn't want to have to go back and redo EVERYTHING.

Learning how to adapt to the situation and learning how to fix things up I'm going to say that this resource is made for someone who knows what the f#(#$ they are doing or willing to understand that THEY NEED to pay close attention as this is a few steps.

If you Statics and StaidX files are too big (as in over 500 mbs to 1 gig) obviously anything that uses client.exe is NOT going to read it, due to the fact that it's just too big.

So, the requirements are simple: First:

Load your custom map (yes, your statics, and your staidx) into your server's client folder. Use ClassicUO or Orion (or whatever third party client that has it's own client) to load your map file with it's statics and staidx.

Run your server after you've added your custom map (and done the necessary steps to make your server run custom maps without issues). Unfreeze your map in sections. As in - Unfreeze everything, but don't unfreeze the entire map at once, unfreeze it in quarters or eighths at a time. If you unfreeze it all at once it'll crash on you.

After you have unfrozen your map, save and shut down the server.

Now - Grab the blank statics/staidx files.

Replace the files in your servers client folder with the blanks. Do the same in your client. Load the server.

Freeze the map in sections until you have frozen the entire map.

After this, grab the map files from your SERVER'S client folder and replace them in you regular folder. You will notice that your statics has decreased from 1 gig down to the appropriate size.
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  1. Maps 0-6 Blank Statics & Staidx

    Okay not completely blank, they have a static 0 at the very very far corner on the bottom right...

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