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  1. arielgomesb

    need help to conver my atual playermobile to the svn one

    I did some edits in my playermobile over a year ago, but now, i´m trying fix it to atual svn, have any way to i force a change in my server to make the switch looks like the original one? like that: #region Header // ********** // ServUO - PlayerMobile.cs // ********** #endregion #region...
  2. arielgomesb

    I rly don't know more what try

    I'm trying update my server, my last update wat in 2017 november, i update to last servuo repo, but now a lot of items got serialize problems World: Loading...An error was encountered while loading a saved object - Type: Server.Items.BoneArms - Serial: 0x40053E56 Delete the object? (y/n)...
  3. arielgomesb

    [global interface where item

    i usually did search with [global interface where item serial == (serial) it return Unable to convert string into server.serial I'm doing something wrong?
  4. arielgomesb

    Does we have any documentation about firewall?

    wich tcp and udp ports servuo need to work In and out? I think it can be a good thing to us have on servuo folder :p
  5. arielgomesb

    how to implement conpvp as osi?

    have any tutorial? or maybe a video *-*?
  6. arielgomesb

    i'm with a problem with sayto in some scripts

    I tried update the scripts with less effort (just did a replace now 2 scripts are with some strange errors on sayto: Basevendor.cs CS1502: Line 1154: The best overloaded method match for 'Server.Mobile.SayTo(Server.Mobile, int, string)' has some invalid arguments CS1503: Line 1154...
  7. arielgomesb

    Some systems (new systems) doesn't have load/unload

    on old patches of servuo all added systems have a generate and remove command, to owners use, when the system got a major change, or if they want custom the server to remove or add some system. Some examples: GenGauntlet and DeleteGauntlet SetupDespise and DeleteDespise but some new systems...
  8. arielgomesb

    UO Custom Script Sugestion

    I was thinking in a script to suggest, and maybe someone wich liked can script for us haha Maybe a system like cellphone games each day in sequence a player log on shard and stay online for example 15 minutes he win a prize, after a week win a bigger prize, then reset.
  9. arielgomesb

    Bug crash players (not server)

    actually have an exploit with uosteam, the player can use to cause lag on server or crash players. They toogle the option to share enemy on guildchat or party, and make a spam of gettarget macro, it make the system spam a phrase 100 times a second, making players crash or lag. The same can be...
  10. arielgomesb

    how to?

    For example, i want remove all birds and pigs spawns from my server how`s the easiest way ? and then remove all spawners with 0 entry.
  11. arielgomesb

    How can i do do make mobs despawn when released?

    How can i do do make mobs despawn when released? in my shard some players tame bulls and other mobs, and they keep stacking and stacking, some hours then have near 200 bulls in a 50x50 range, have any way to i make mobs released go to hell after 1 hour? Another example, minichampspawns and...
  12. arielgomesb

    Help updating spawns

    Hi the merge #1167 added a lot of new spawns due the bard masteries add, i want add they, but if i only update the spawns then repopulate, it will change all my custom edits on spawner? for example i removed a lot of spawns in my server (wild birds...
  13. arielgomesb

    How to spawn HonestyChest in all banks?

    How to spawn HonestyChest in all banks?
  14. arielgomesb

    How to make 1 PMList with 2 faucets?

    i`m trying make fel in one pmlist on publicmoongate.cs, and malas + termur in another, how to do both in the same pmlist? for example: public PMList(int number, int selNumber, Map map, PMEntry[] entries) how to make the Map accept 2 entries ? for example Map.Malas | Map.TerMur ?