
ATruGod submitted a new resource:

Abandoned or Donated Full Shards - Altered Distro Shards

It has come to My attention that in the 10 or so Years I have been doing this (The UO Emulator thing) I have acquired quite a Library of scripts, as I'm sure most of You that have been around awhile have also. But what might be an even better "Library" of scripts could be found would be in My Folder of Abandoned or Donated Shards. After some discussion with the Community, I offer these for Your enjoyment:

Age Of Valor

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Downloading as we speak. I still dream with having my own "live" shard. Even if it is with just one player.

Absolutely fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
I have the client that Ulmeta used. Contains custom maps, cracked client, and other small edits that were needed for the Ulmeta server.

If anyone want's that also, I will be uploading it in a little bit and will post a link when I get it.
"die andere welt" long time abandoned by me :) i got also some other more extended and detailed worlds i worked on. I could share them. One is like a medieval dayz attempt with custom map and permadeath. tThe other is something like "die andere welt" 2.0 nordic style custom world, made with the help from eri, a talented map maker! if you are interested, i would love to contribute
Here we go, with UO Z :) A medieval DayZ

Features I remember
- small fully decorated world
- permadeath, after getting killed, you can reclaim your belongings by killing your "old turned to zombie char" with your new char
- small survivor camp
- random loot in town
- you start on a sinking boat, take the ladder and then click on rope on the deck of the ship to "enter" world

hmm, cant remember more, beware it is really simple!
also my admin account was
login: Gott
password: 12345678

If I remember correct, it was the 7xxxx client
also some parts may be in german

What else? the world was built by me, custom scripts by runuo community, sry cant remember specifically
I think Voxpire helped massivly with the perma death script

so here we go, please leave feedback :)!swojGJJJ
sry try this link, my first attempt with mega :/
I got the Khaeros server to load; however, every client I try using to connect to it gets rejected "Encrypted Client Detected, disconnecting." Is this server side or do I need a different client? I have tried clients 7.0 all the way to 7.47 and tried all options in UO steam or razors encrypt options. Thanks.
Oh, wow. Uhm... Well, firstly I -will- say that Khaeros is set up to work off of a login.cfg and a Client.exe. Khaeros has some odd affinity towards disallowing Razor but strangely allows partial functionality of UO Steam.

BUT! The client, however, ah... I'll look into it and update this thread, but there is a specific client it works with. But the version was strange.

It was... 1.05 or...1.5... Something like that. AOS, at least.

Edit: OOPS! I accidentally put Servuo Instead of UOsteam. Well, that's embarassing.
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Thanks for checking Icescythe. I have tried using clients starting around 7.0 and up without login assistance (login.cfg and Client.exe) and haven't been able to connect yet. I will try to locate some older clients and if I get it to work I will report back here.

Also, for the Khaeros server files does anybody know how to load the scripts into visual studio without a visual studio project being included?

Thanks again guys.
Alright! SO! Investigation on my part for the Khaeros RP shard files points to the overall client base of I don't know this is a hundred percent right but records and reputable sources point in that general direction. I don't know about Visual Studio and its scripts, sadly. Ten years have done nothing for how cohesive that thing would even find those in the first place. Hahaha.

I hope that helps!
Yup it works. Got it to work and load the server up. I hope this is the last question, but on loading the server none of the admin commands work even though my character is the owner and I verified it in the accounts list. What would prevent the admin commands from working on this server? Is it something different with the RunUO engine where regular admin commands don't work perhaps? I have only ever used ServUO or PlayUO. Thanks!
Alright. When I read your post and thought about it, my brain straight up flatlined. I poured through alot of the code and went through most of what I had written down in order to figure this out. This took me a pretty good long time, but thankfully not HOURS before it hit me like a ten ton brick!

Dot Commands! The major difference between this code is that it uses . instead of [. Since this rendition was meant as an overall Roleplay-Oriented Shard, the majority of bracket commands was shifted to that exactly.

So, hopefully this solves it... But try the commands ".Help" or ".admin" in that fashion. Without the quotation marks.

See if that works.
Thank you all for these resources... I will look through them and add them to my own references :) Good stuff here.
I'm trying to get the server to actually get running. I keep getting fatal errors. Is anyone able to help me?
Hello Trevor,

i cant tell you if i am able to help you or not, theres is way to low information for me to tell you about this!

but feel free to give some more informations maybe what the Errors are / whats going wrong maybe we can help you then :)
This is what I am encountering. Gametec is helping me in private messages though.


  • Error 1.png
    Error 1.png
    47 KB · Views: 66
I'm still looking for marchadium if anyone finds it let me know... I'm also developing my own server, rewrote leather to add in 7 er 8 customs like dog leather and cat leather and I'm adding in lots of scripts from here and merging em, once its done ill post it for all.
I'd be of more help except my computer is out of commission, I'm using my wife's laptop, and I am waiting until I raise 8500.00 USD for the new gaming rig. Might take some time.
It is a fairly awesome rig for gaming and development.

I usually hang on to a computer for about 4-5 years so that is my time frame with the new one. I am decking it out with 64 gigs of ram with an Intel i9 processor... the most expensive part of it will be the graphics cards; I am thinking about 2x GeForce 1080 Ti's.

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