
DelBoy submitted a new resource:

Rideable Tigers with Tiger Fur Loot - Rideable Tigers with Tiger Fur Loot

Add tigers to your server, they spawn in two normal colours with a very small chance of spawning a white tiger.

They have a small chance to drop Tiger Fur which when clicked by a legendary tailor produces either a fur cape, fur boots or a gargish sash (easy to comment out if you don't have gargoyles). The cape, boots and sash have a random skill modifier with a value between 1-10 and a luck value of 134, which comes from the lucky numbers associated with tigers 1, 3 and 4, again its easy to...

Read more about this resource...
Check your tigers to see if you can lore them :)
I also found out that the female mount ID is 16072
if you keep this mount id as the male then when you mount the tiger it turns into looking like the male one (color)
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I can lore them ok,

and both the different mount ID's are in there

switch (Utility.Random(2))
                case 0:
                        BodyValue = 1254;
                        ItemID = 16071; //male
                case 1:
                        BodyValue = 1255;
                        ItemID = 16072; //female

and they stay the same colour when riding them as they were

also double checked the files were the same by downloading the zip from here.

One thing worth mentioning is that you might want to change the chance for a white tiger to spawn by changing the <=1 to a higher number or the utility.random to a lower number
            //Add a low chance of the tiger being a white tiger
            int hueValue = Utility.Random(500);

            if (hueValue <= 1)
                this.Hue = 0x481;

I had trouble getting a white tiger to spawn.
Awesome, glad you can lore them, my bodytable must be wrong then cause I could not lore it :/ Wow now that is quite a large sum of tigers :)
**EDIT: be sure to use the tab button not space when adding these to the bodyvalue script, then you can lore them.
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Check your tigers to see if you can lore them :)

ok so I changed something (actually changed a lot trying to get owltr to work) and now I can't lore them, I get a message saying they are not an animal o_O were you ever able to lore yours?
Nope didn't get the lore to work, I'm guessing these bad boys need to be added some where else also :) Plus I also get an error for Invalid bodytable entry for 1254 Tiger Male
1255 Tiger Female
I found out why they weren't loreable anymore, I had to edit the bodytable.cfg and add to the end
1254	Animal	#Tiger
1255	Animal	#Tiger
I also added this to the end of shrink.cfg
1254	0x9844	# Tiger
1255	0x9844	# Tiger

Edited the overview with the above information
Im getting this when i add too bodytable.cfg

ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 5210.7645
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 2 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...done (cached)
Scripts: Skipping VB.NET Scripts...done (use -vb to enable)
Scripts: Verifying...
Finished (3999 items, 999 mobiles, 11 customs) (1.36 seconds)
Regions: Loading...done
World: Loading...Warning: Invalid bodyTable entry:
1254    Animal  # Tiger
Warning: Invalid bodyTable entry:
1255    Animal  # Tiger
done (59 items, 1 mobiles, 4 customs) (0.74 seconds)
Restricting client version to Action to be taken: LenientKick
ServerList: Auto-detecting public IP address...failed
08:42:23 Joeku's Staff Runebook: Loading...
08:42:23  Account: somedude... done.
08:42:23 Listening:
08:42:23 Listening:
08:42:23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Im getting this when i add too bodytable.cfg

ServUO - [] Version 0.5, Build 5210.7645
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 2 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...done (cached)
Scripts: Skipping VB.NET Scripts...done (use -vb to enable)
Scripts: Verifying...
Finished (3999 items, 999 mobiles, 11 customs) (1.36 seconds)
Regions: Loading...done
World: Loading...Warning: Invalid bodyTable entry:
1254    Animal  # Tiger
Warning: Invalid bodyTable entry:
1255    Animal  # Tiger
done (59 items, 1 mobiles, 4 customs) (0.74 seconds)
Restricting client version to Action to be taken: LenientKick
ServerList: Auto-detecting public IP address...failed
08:42:23 Joeku's Staff Runebook: Loading...
08:42:23  Account: somedude... done.
08:42:23 Listening:
08:42:23 Listening:
08:42:23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Got the same error and no tiger appears when i use the [add tiger command.
I'm just now starting to get into art and animation work. I'm using client - Is there a way to get this tiger extracted to add to the client? So far I have not found any tools capable of pulling animation artwork from UOP.. then again I've been sleeping about 2-3 hours a night so I may have overlooked. Thanks. -Doc
Yeah, its a work around, but take the new art uop file with fiddler, convert to a mul. Extract the anims, import to your art.mul, and your on your way.

Not certain, but newer fiddler may even read the uop, so you could drop that extra conversion to mul, but not sure.
Yeah I have Fiddler 4.6 and compiled uoppacker, extracted the uop from the newest client that has tigers. Verified beforehand that they were in game with this script. I converted everything to muls, but don't see tigers in animations.. and when I looked up the item id of 16072 I think it was a ship mast if I recall correctly. I'm determined to get it :) Thanks!
Yeah, my post is pretty vague.. last time I messed w/ Animations, was like in '06...
There was some posted animations of the tigers and some others somewhere, might look around, could save you some time n efforts.
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It may be that being converted to mul, fiddler doesnt recognize past a certain animation# being they werent brought in until after the uop format... so may just be some minor config needed to tweak in fiddler.. just not sure, and also not sure if thats somthin you can edit without the source code either :-/
Yeah I tried fiddler and the uoppacker. Had to recompile both cause the plugin didn't show. Then I converted to mul but i guess it doesn't show the tiger bodies. If I search for 16071 or 16072 I get a boat mast. I'll look again... if not I'll try what you said Dian. Thanks a lot all, at least I'm learning this side of things te hard way. The best way to learn in my book.

*edit* I hated fiddler at first, now I love it. Got some great script ideas from it.
FINALLY. Almost there thanks to a post I found by Redmoon and all credit is to him. Researching, studying the tools and patience is paying off. Now if I can just get it to stay as a tiger when mounted instead of a horse :p This is on client

Thank you very much, I will certainly do that. Thank all of you in this thread that helped. One of my staff members loves the tiger and really wanted to get it for her in appreciation for the work she does and for being an awesome friend for years.
newb question, wich folder do I place them says under instructions to put em in customs....all I have close to that is a folder under scripts/ custom custom sytems tha same or do I maybe need to create a folder called scripts/custom??? thnx
All custom scripts go in /scripts/customs except for distro modifications that are normally marked in the download. You want to use winmerge or beyond compare to merge/edit differences. Beyond compare is easier imho.

*Edit I just noticed you said you have /scripts/custom systems... yes this is where your custom scripts go*

So for this script, you would put the Tigers folder in your /Scripts/Custom Systems and restart.
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Open scripts folder, then create a new folder-name this folder what ever you want as Custom Folder, any scripts which can be added this way you will just add them in this Custom Folder :)
He has the script with a small chance to drop the fur so you will need to open Tiger.cs
and look for this
if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.1) <<<Play with this number (higher number)
c.DropItem(new TigerFur());
Don't forget to save your script once changed and restart the server
Got the same error and no tiger appears when i use the [add tiger command.

On I did get tigers, but could not lore. Lore finally worked after adding it to mine like this...

1254    ANIMAL 
1255    ANIMAL

*Edit - Seems it was whitespace at the end of the lines that was the problem*
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I am running both FSATS and Xanthos shrink systems with the appropriate changes to ShrikItem. No values I added to shrink.cfg seem to work to turn the tiger into a tiger statue on shrink with a leash. I did find a cheap workaround, but if someone knows the right values, please let me know. I have tried all of them listed.... I did this with /misc/Shrinktable.cs

public static int Lookup(int body, int defaultValue)
  if (m_Table == null)

  int val = 0;

  if (body >= 0 && body < m_Table.Length)
  val = m_Table[body];
//////////////// Doc - cheap fix for shrinking tigers into right statue//////////////       
       if (body == 1254 || body == 1255 )
  val = 0x9844;
  if (val == 0)
  val = defaultValue;

  return val;

In shrink.cfg I have tried both the correct hex and integer values for body 1254 and 1255. Checked the path being parsed with a writeline. Path is fine, no values work.
Warning: Invalid bodyTable entry:
1254 Animal # Tiger
Warning: Invalid bodyTable entry:
1255 Animal # Tiger

Did anyone figure out why the warning is getting thrown over the bodytable entry for these? Im guessing its probably from the core Mobiles.Body value not recognizing that high a number maybe? or something more simple?
I have been trying different ways of entering this tiger ID to BodyTable.cfg and I just can not loose this warning about the invalid entry.. Am I the only one getting the warning?? lol

Thanks Milva, yeah.. but is not making the difference for me.
Well, really odd.
Like the header of BodyTable.cfg states, the format to entries is.. BodyID <tab> BodyType

I had entered it as.. BodyID <space> BodyType

Whats strange/odd is, a lot of the entries are just with the single space between the ID and Type, and they dont seem to throw errors. Using the tabbed space between the ID and Type cured it for entry 1254 but the entry 1255 still throws the warning no matter what/how I enter it.

Like Milva said, Mark has only entered the one entry on the RunUO 2.5 Git version, so for now I will leave it with the single entry, and see what comes about later.

Hope that helps someone else that might be having the issue.

I dont know why, but I just decided to try different variations of how I entered this dang tiger BodyValue to the bodyTable.cfg and to my surprise.. I removed the #tiger on the 1255 entry, and the warning finally faded away.. w.. t.. f.. but whatever, its good now. Maybe someone else will be able to use this info too.. maybe Im the only one with these oddities, who knows.

1254 Animal #Tiger
1255 Animal
Nice you did get this sorted out, strange removing the # removed the error also :) Have you tested the shrink yet?
naa, I have never used the shrink system, ever. When it was first scripted years back it just seemed unrealistic to us for the game, and never have thought much of it since *shrugs*
I am running both FSATS and Xanthos shrink systems with the appropriate changes to ShrikItem. No values I added to shrink.cfg seem to work to turn the tiger into a tiger statue on shrink with a leash. I did find a cheap workaround, but if someone knows the right values, please let me know. I have tried all of them listed.... I did this with /misc/Shrinktable.cs

The m_table is too small, increase it in Shrinktable.cs Load() function:

m_Table = new int[1000];

m_Table = new int[1400];

And it will shrink the tiger correctly.
Well gosh you learn something new every day, never knew you could or would need to adjust the number of the shrink table adding new ones to the shrink in the past always worked :) Thanks Ravenwolfe!

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