What this does is allow a gargoyle toon to ride mounts without glitching out and disappearing. This is done by using a bodymod and turning them into human (kind of) which the graphic exist for. When they remove the robe they go back to normal. Additionally to prevent future issues the script will also check at login if the toon is wearing the robe, if they are its kicked into their pack to prevent glitches. Also upon removal of the robe the toon is also kicked off the mount.
Update: 7/17/2018: I've moved the LoginEventHandler to the ShroudOfTheEternalSteed script instead to prevent extra changes to other files.
I will support what I can when i can. Just post and you shall 'eventually' be answered.
Instructions -
1) Put ShroudOfTheEternalSteed.cs into customs Folder
2) Next Locate your BaseMount.cs and Add this to OnDoubleClick
3) And remove/comment out - this from On Double Click
4) In BaseClothing.cs , Need to allow gargoyles to wear the clothing.
Locate this line, around line 638 or so.
and below that make it look like this
And you are done. Equip the robe to your gargoyle and try to mount your favorite horse
Update: 7/17/2018: I've moved the LoginEventHandler to the ShroudOfTheEternalSteed script instead to prevent extra changes to other files.
I will support what I can when i can. Just post and you shall 'eventually' be answered.
Instructions -
1) Put ShroudOfTheEternalSteed.cs into customs Folder
2) Next Locate your BaseMount.cs and Add this to OnDoubleClick
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
if (from.Race == Race.Gargoyle && from.IsPlayer())
Item shroudeternal = from.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OuterTorso);
if (shroudeternal is ShroudOfTheEternalSteed)
from.SendMessage("Your shroud allows you to mount ridable animals.");
from.SendMessage("Your impressive wing span frightens the animal.");
if (this.IsDeadPet)
3) And remove/comment out - this from On Double Click
if (from.Race == Race.Gargoyle && from.IsPlayer())
4) In BaseClothing.cs , Need to allow gargoyles to wear the clothing.
Locate this line, around line 638 or so.
if (from.Race == Race.Gargoyle && !this.CanBeWornByGargoyles)
if (from.Race == Race.Gargoyle && !this.CanBeWornByGargoyles)
if (this is ShroudOfTheEternalSteed)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1111708); // Gargoyles can't wear this.
return false;
And you are done. Equip the robe to your gargoyle and try to mount your favorite horse